Third break light blowing fuse


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Hardy M

New member
Aug 16, 2022
Hi all

I have just joined this group :grin:
Looking for some help regarding the third break light.

I have recently replaced the boot struts and noticed that the wire at the bottom of the strut had been cut,

I therefore re earthed it and now it blows fuse 13 when the break is pressed
And all the dash doesn’t work.

I have checked the bulbs and they all look good.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance
I'm not sure, but I seem to recall that people have said that the wire isn't an earth, but a live feed, the boot struts have to the original type, maybe from a Fiesta of the same era.
If you still have the original boot struts, you could try swapping them back to prove if the new ones are causing the short circuit.
I'm sure someone has more Idea than I have.
Thank you for your reply
I’m going to take a look shortly see if I can trace it back
To anything obvious
Hi all.
Puma Black 17s 2001 x reg for sale.
Will need some work.

How much are they going for at the moment. ?