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  1. D

    Vehicle For Sale 2000 Ford Puma 1.7 Project

    2000 Ford Puma · Coupe · Driven 83,000 kilometres 2000 Ford Puma 1.7 project for sale. Bought a few months ago as a project, the car had been tested, painted and put in storage in 2019. Put it in for test, which it failed - got most of the test work done but put it back in and the...
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    Best source for brake fasteners, brackets etc

    Hi all, Work’s progressing slowly but surely with the fail list on my car, but I’m finding that most brake bolts are rusted to death. I’m going to have to replace the ABS sensor bolts both sides, along with the brackets and bolts for same in the hubs, and the brackets that clip onto the drop...
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    ABS and TC lights on but no OBD2 codes?

    Cheers for that, everything but the exhaust and ABS is now sorted so will check that out soon.
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    ABS and TC lights on but no OBD2 codes?

    Ahhhhh…..well spose it can’t hurt to have a scanner anyway. I’ll work my way round the sensors first then see if that sorts it.
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    ABS and TC lights on but no OBD2 codes?

    Hi all, started working through the MOT fail list today, and also received an OBD2 code reader to see if I could suss why the ABS and TC lights are on. The reader is showing ‘no codes stored in module’ when I check it - surely there must be an error there? Any ideas?
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    2000 Puma 1.7 W626 UGM

  7. D

    2000 Puma 1.7 W626 UGM

    Get it legal and drive it for the moment…it’s had a life by the looks of it so dread to think what’s lurking under the shiny paint!
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    What are you driving now?

    This: I use the indicators more than I strictly need to, just on principle.
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    2000 Puma 1.7 W626 UGM

    My car, purchased a couple of weeks ago. Been parked up since back end of 2018 so don’t know whether anyone on here knows of it or it’s history?
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    Headlamp removal

    I’ve got the same with both the ABS and TC, some kind soul had piled loads of black Sikaflex in front of the LEDs. Doesn’t bode well…
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    Headlamp removal

    I’ve got a feeling a lot of this car’s going to be like that!
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    Headlamp removal

    It was stuck on a retaining pin in the bottom corner - sorted. Headlamp’s scrap though, all the clips are broken that hold the lens on.
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    Headlamp removal

    I’ve got a feeling they’re bodged/screwed in somehow, they’re pivoting on the bottom corner. Going to investigate further later on
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    Headlamp removal

    I’m trying to remove a headlamp as the levelling isn’t working on it - I’ve removed the grill and the two torx screws on the headlamp and rotated the latch but it won’t budge. It seems to be stuck at the outer bottom corner, is there something I’ve missed?
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    No ABS light - help!

    It must’ve passed its last test like that, but at least I know there’s an issue now.
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    No ABS light - help!

    This could explain it!
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    No ABS light - help!

    should’ve mentioned as well, Speedo isn’t working either - just assumed this was a sensor/wiring issue but could the clocks be knackered?
  18. D

    No ABS light - help!

    Hi all, bought a 2000 1.7 Puma a week ago. Car has been stood since 2018, but started first time with a fresh battery. Took it for test this morning and one of the fails was ‘anti-lock braking system warning lamp does not illuminate’. Tester told me this was the check light which illuminated on...
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    Hi from the Frozen North

    Cheers! There does seem to be a fair amount with no back arches 😂
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    Hi from the Frozen North

    Hiya, Anth from County Durham here. Been a petrolhead since I was a nipper, owned an obscene amount of cars over the years including many yanks and classics. I’ve had a craving for a Puma for years and will (hopefully) lose my daily in 2024 when my daughter passes her test, so will be on the...