Bugger me! Some bastard has stolen my car!


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e3silversurfer said:
GOD DAMN M0+H3R FUUK1NG B45+4RD5........ screw human rights..... the next government should give us the right to trash the scum on our streets. perhaps break a few of their limbs as an example. only then will they be afraid and be deterred from commiting crimes.

The fatal flaw with this plan elvin is the criminal scum truley believe WE law abiding citizens are the scum. They think we are the scum because we work for a living and because we dare to fit alarms etc to make thier jobs harder. Also we slag them off a lot in public for only doing what they feel they have a right to do. Also most of the criminals are better armed and more likely to use violence without hesitation or restraint when compared to average joe so unfortunatly theyll likely win any non surprise altercation.
XIIVVX said:
There is little doubt where the perpetrators will be at this moment.

The pikey encampments at Mildenhall are an almost racing certainty.

The car will be in one of the nearby scrapyards they own.

Did you go poke your nose round the pikey camps and scrappys??? Some thing like that may well have been driven on falseys for a few days as its scrap value isnt much. Also by going to the scrappys if you see the car its the owness on the scrapyard to prove they obtained it legally and they should be able to produce the V5.

I guess its too late now looking back on the date.

The victim support leaflet and whole organisation is a fucking joke. Chronically underfunded yet prisoners get all kinds of free therapy in prison as part of rehabilitation, yet most victims of crime have to totally support themselves. No wonder large numbers of the population are loosing faith in the police and justice system.