GearBox Explosion


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New member
Mar 11, 2024
Hello Everyone. Unfortunately, the gearbox in my Puma has exploded, got a big old hole in the gearbox case, spilling out all the transmission fluid. I am currently looking for some advice on potential gearbox replacements. I am aware that Code IB5 gearboxes where used in the pumas, but where also used in cars such as the Mk1 focus, KA, Pumas, and Mk6 Escorts.
If I where for example to pick a 1.25 IB5 gearbox, would an adaption plate be needed, or should in universally fit.
Many thanks


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Hello Everyone. Unfortunately, the gearbox in my Puma has exploded, got a big old hole in the gearbox case, spilling out all the transmission fluid. I am currently looking for some advice on potential gearbox replacements. I am aware that Code IB5 gearboxes where used in the pumas, but where also used in cars such as the Mk1 focus, KA, Pumas, and Mk6 Escorts.
If I where for example to pick a 1.25 IB5 gearbox, would an adaption plate be needed, or should in universally fit.
Many thanks
As far as I know all IB5 gearboxes will physically fit, but early one had a cable clutch, then hydraulic clutch as fitted to the Puma, the later one had cable gear change. I'm no expert and there may well be other differences, obviously gear and final drive ratios.
Puma gearbox failure is a rare event so this seems to be really bad luck and a hole in the casing is a big deal - can you give some more details about this. eg What is the mileage, have the previous owners serviced it, has it been raced or driven hard; any other circumstances that could have contributed to this event. Thanks
The Mileage of the car is currently 59000 miles. I've had it 6 months. I make sure the get the car serviced every 5000 miles. I've got loads of documentation. The car was originally from bridgend, and had all of the paperwork when I brought, I am a rather emphasitic driver. The car wasn't used much. I got it at 49000 miles, when it was 25 years. I have used it alot and have put nearly 10000 miles on it in the last 6 months. This might potentially be a factor. I have managed to source a brand new gearbox of a seller on ebay. So far the car has had a new clutch, timing belt, lower wishbone (passenger side) undersealing, and all other serviceable items. had the oil changed twice since i've had it
Gearbox failure is very rare especially catastrophic failure as you’ve had. If there were no warning signs (odd noises, crashing gears etc, leaking oil prior) and looking where the hole is it could be a diff ring bolt has come loose. This was a failure mode occasionally seen if one wasn’t torqued up properly, usually offline in the repair bay (line diff bolt machine had torque and angle monitoring on every spindle) although they usually manifested themselves much earlier in the vehicle life. If you investigate I’d be interested in what you find.
I take it the new (brand new???) box you have is for your Puma. Different engines have different bolt configurations for the engine to transaxle so most iB5’s won’t fit (1.6 Zetec SE iB5 would I think) and the Puma used unique gear ratios. I can’t remember whether there was shotpeening done to any of the Puma gears, although this is unlikely to be an issue unless you race.
This is the gearbox I have purchased. I have checked the part number, but seems to be a little inconsistent in what models its compatible with


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Ok that part no. is for the front case (bell housing) and unfortunately that is for a 1.8 diesel Fiesta so is no good for your Puma - it won’t mate to the engine and gear / FDR ratios are very different.

From another post on this forum the transmission part number for a 1.7 Puma is 97WT-7002-LD LE LF LG LH (suffix changes each year) with front case no. 96WT 7F096 AB. The 1.6 Fiesta / Puma gearbox also uses the same front case and is part number YS6R-7002-FA FB FC - gear ratios will be a bit different but would fit, not sure if it could cause any problems with the ECU mapping.

On eBay there is this which is the right part number|tkp:Bk9SR8T9ia-EZA
That sounds terrifying!
I had a new clutch at 80,000 miles in mine and hopefully not jinxing it, my Puma has now done 137,000 miles gearbox and all, although I don't drive it it hard.