Hi there, newbie with a 1.7.


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New member
Apr 28, 2017
Hi there, I've just become the third lucky custodian of a metallic black over black leather Puma 1.7.
It's a bit grotty, has the engine light on and a running issue on load between 3 & 4k, but it is doing the job of keeping me mobile for the £400 that I had to spend.

It's the first time I've returned to owning a blue oval since the '67 Anglia I had in my teens, this one is just as rattly, but significantly faster. My recent car history has been small low and Japanese, prior to that there were a few w123 mercs and all sorts of other automotive detritus.

Aims with the Puma include keeping it running! Hopefully sorting the mid range running issue and getting it significantly closer to the ground, then wide wheels and too small tyres.
g-whizz said:
[post]362443[/post] Welcome! One wasn't a W123ce was it? Always had a little crush on them :grin:


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