My Puma


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May 12, 2019
I kept meaning to post a picture of my Puma so, here it is.


Taken at the dealers that I bought it from a couple of years ago. (haven't managed to take one since).
Although in great condition, the picture is very flattering and doesn't show the odd mark, crazing on the bumbers or the (small) amount of rust on the rear arch etc.

Typical car dealer though who said that he would try to fix the electric window (that wasn't working) and that it was probably just a fuse.
Surprise surprise, when I came to pick it up, he hadn't had time to look at it.
When I got it home I found out that the regulator was broken, the switch had been disconnected & the glass propped up with a piece of wood!!
I managed to find a 2nd hand one though and swapped it over with the help of a new rivet gun...... fixed for about £30 plus the cost of a the riveter.
It's not a typo, it means like little white lines like cracks in the lacquer.

Wikipedia said:
Crazing is the phenomenon that produces a network of fine cracks on the surface of a material, for example in a glaze layer. Crazing frequently precedes fracture in some glassy thermoplastic polymers. As it only takes place under tensile stress, the plane of the crazing corresponds to the stress direction. The effect is visibly distinguishable from other types of fine cracking because the crazing region has different refractive indices from surrounding material.
Nice car, looking forward to seeing it soon.
You get crazing on GRP as well, I have a car with such crazing on the GRP.
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, it is the sort of crazing you get when the paint flexes or GRP gel coat cracks.

I guess the previous owner nudged the bumper but only enough to dmage the finish and not split/dent the bumper itself.

It's a little annoying as it's quite a large patch. I'll try to add a photo.

Yes, I hope to be out and about in it soon (and meet up with some other owners) as my wife is more interested in her smart car!
Both of my window regulators have broken, one is propped up with a piece of wood too! Where did you find your second hand one? I've been looking on eBay but they are coming up as £100+ each.