Can't reconnect speedo cable back into instrument cluster


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May 13, 2021
I managed to disconnect it (miracle), now I can't connect it back:
- its located behind in the middle of the instrument cluster, little to no space for hands
- speedo cable needle is square, but rotated correctly in same way as the port of instrument cluster

= port for the speedo cable / behind the instrument cluster
:shock: taking the dashboard out isn't the easiest job from what I remember reading. I hope you got on ok, or decided doing it in the dark / artificial lighting isn't the best and put your feet up for the evening.
the only way I managed to do it is to unclip the black cover from the cluster first, then insert the cluster, rotate it inside like this:
and then brute-force the speedo cable in first.

after that the 2 remaining connectors are easy to clip in the same way as the speedo cable, THEN I clipped on the black cover over the clocks