Rattles - again!


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May 4, 2016
Puma and rattles – somehow it seems they seem to go hand-in-hand…

So, I wondered if anyone here had any advice:

My Puma has suddenly developed a slightly tinny/plastic rattling noise from behind the Dashboard, mainly on the passenger side – or seems to, as I know noises can be notoriously hard to pinpoint. Noise seems to happen when the car is moving – doesn’t always happen over bumps, but roads with a rough Tarmac can bring it on, as can certain revs/speeds, so appears to be linked to a certain vibration range.

I emptied the Glovebox (Mrs.T66 likes to keep all manner of rubbish in there – I mean, who needs FOUR pairs of sunglasses in one car…?!) and checked the car again, but the noise was still there. I’ve had the car up on a ramp and checked the heatshields – another obvious cause, but all of the heatshields around the Exhaust seem tight and correctly fitted.

A check under the Bonnet and around the Wiper mechanism seems to show everything OK, too. The recent work undertaken (change of Spark Plugs, etc) could have dislodged/weakened something, but I really can’t see anything obvious.

Has anyone had anything similar? Suspension? Is there a Heatshield I've not spotted behind the Engine? I'm a bit reluctant (and skint) to pass over to a garage at the moment and pay for a few hours checking without running out of ideas myself!
It's not the gearstick is it? I recall these used to start 'tizzing' - I think that stopped if you held the knob.
Hi Red,
Just been looking through some of the old threads and saw that mentioned as a possible cause of rattling noises. Definitely sounds higher up and more forward than from the Gearstick area, but I'll try that later and see if it changes the noise. I'll let you know!
Hmmm... OK. Well, now I feel like a right prat! :oops:

Managed to get the car back up on the ramp at work before leaving work yesterday. Looked all over the engine area for the possible loose component before checking the Gearstick and Scuttle Panels on the drive home. A young tecchie came over and walked straight to the back of the car and found the loose Heatshield - the one next to Fuel Tank. A bit of swearing (when trying to undo the rusted on Bolts), the addition of a couple of huge washers and retightening everything down and the rattle seems to have gone. I knew noises could manifest from odd places, but I never expected the Dashboard rattle to be coming from the rear of the car.

The only problem now is that I don't have an excuse to have AC/DC at full volume to drown out the rattle noise.


Hold on, you don't need an excuse to have AC/DC at full-blast, do you! :grin:
MikeT66 said:
[post]366482[/post] Managed to get the car back up on the ramp at work before leaving work yesterday

I would be amazed if you could get the car on the ramp remotely- if you had already left. :)

The best way I have found to undo those stubborn heatshield nuts is use GT85 on the thread and then hit the nut to turn it with either a flat blade screwdriver or chisel,using a hammer on the chisel if it still won't turn. When refitting, apply grease to the threads Then gently nip them up with vice grips or water pump pliers.

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