The New fiesta


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New member
Oct 29, 2010
Gah i got a new fiesta as a courtesy car today after putting my FRP in for its wheel refurb....
What can i say its god aweful! And to top it off i think its a 1.0-1.2 its clutch bite is non-exsistant it seems to have some problem with power since putting your foot down does not give you as much acceleration as putting the pedal part of the way down!


Full up---------------Full down
(----(power spot)-----------)

I have to say its worse then my old 2002 1.4 TDCI tractor fiesta!
Neil said:
Well, it's bound to feel different to a 1.7 FRP :?

Yeah i know but compare it to my 1.4 Diesel and its just :p

My parents still own that car and i still drive it now and again....But this is something else its just rubbish XD the clutch pedal feels horrid its got virtually no resistance XD
the fiesta is terrible iIMO when me & the missus were looking for a car for her it was teh first one we tried and she flat out refused to even consider it after a 15min test drive but then she tried a Ka and its a differant animal now im not saying its a fast car but the power is int he right places it cruises at motorway speeds and the clutch its wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the fiesta i have no idea why maybe its the less weight or the factory its made in but we had the same experience as you in the Fiesta but not the Ka its random consideringt here the same company but hey there you go ha
Well it really doesnt end at the engine the brakes are funny. At slow speeds you get... nothing, nothing, nothing, BIIIITTTEEEE.... lol at higher speeds its slightly better :p

It feels like if gone from Digital to Analog pedals :)
Can't be any worse than the Prius coutoursy car I had last year. Lol. Put your foot down and wonder when the engine is going to kick back in :roll: lol
got my FRP back yesterday and honestly cant believe how heavy the pedals feel! God i love my FRP :) missed it lots in the 2 days i went without it.
courtesy cars are always crap... basic power, equipment, trim everything...

I was given a 1.4 escort for a few days years ago... couldn't wait to give it back, it was the worse car i'd ever driven i think...