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  1. S

    Compatible suspension

    Yeah i have just purchased a set of puma ones! Many thanks
  2. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    OK so all fixed! Needed a replacement heater control panel as for some reason the hot cold dial had failed! All sorted now! Thanks for all your help
  3. S

    Breaking 2000/W Millenium number 587 - 58k full leather

    Ok so £60 for all four struts, front and rear, rear being circular bush style and posted to somerset? If yes then I will send payment and delivery details. Many thanks
  4. S

    anyone tell me what this is please

    Thats exactly what I thought it was! Ok thanks Ill get a bolt today! I suppose thats what making her gearstick wobble?
  5. S

    anyone tell me what this is please

    Found this this morning after my wife said her gear stick has started jumping around? Anyone tell me what it is so that I can get a replacement bolt!
  6. anyone tell me what this is?

    anyone tell me what this is?

    need to know what it is so i can get replacement bolt
  7. S

    Compatible suspension

    Hi can anyone tell me what suspension units are compatible with a 2000 plate 1.7 puma? Ie if I can't get puma ones would focus fit etc?
  8. S

    Breaking 2000/W Millenium number 587 - 58k full leather

    Is the suspension standard? if so i may be interested in all four! How much? and postage to somerset?
  9. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    That has all been checked and checked out ok! Had it in a garage today and the mechanic agrees with me that there seems to be no resistance on the heater knob! Although the wife has also reported losing water and had to top up for the second time in as many weeks! Maybe the two are connected...
  10. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    Hi! Haha yes i did actually go out and check but yes I did! Still doesnt work though! I had a feel of the dials and I have to admit the hot/cold dial feels rather loose as if nothing is attached????? Comparing it to the one on the right feels right and switches if you get what I mean! How do you...
  11. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    OK so i have replaced the hcv but to no avail, wife came back from work today and said its all still hot! I m wondering if somehow the dials in the dash have come loose or disconnected? On an older car I had alongside the drivers footwell were connecting rods for the dials, is it the same on the...
  12. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    cheers! quick replys! Ill have a look and get it done at the weekend! cheers!
  13. S

    no cold air! only hot!

    Hi the wife has just bought an 2000 1.7 16v zetec puma which correct me if Im wrong but I believe is the 'thunder' variety - full leather interior etc! Anyway - the heaters only blow hot air, we can turn it off so I know its nothing to do with the blower, but even on cold, its hot, a/c on its...