1.25 Engine?


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New member
Jun 17, 2009
Washington, Tyne And Wear
When I bought my Puma, it was sold as a 1.4, but the bloke told me it had an engine swap because of the mileage on it.

When Jamie drove it though, he thought it didn't seem like it was as powerful as it should be, even for a 1.4, and upon closer inspection of the engine, there are two stickers on it. On the top of the engine cover is the black/silver 1.4 sticker, but on the side of the engine there is a rectangular white sticker with an engine serial number bearing the numbers '1.25' , so I could only have a 1.25 engine.

Despite the fact Jamie says it makes it more rare, it really pisses me off if this is the case, because I've bought an insured a 1.4 Puma, assuming that was the size of the engine in it, as I haven't specifically been told anything different...pretty damn annoyed right now
A 1.25 was never factory built, so you would possibly struggle to insure it without an engineers report.
bloody hell... I thought when Jamie told me its was pretty shite that it couldnt have been right as Ive heard theyr pretty nippy
I'll take a photo of the sticker tomorrow when its lighter...unfortunately I can't take it back, because I bought it privately mid-June, so if I did contact the seller he wouldn't be prepared to do anything about it

It's more annoying that I wasn't told about it tbh. What with me learning to drive in it atm the engine size isn't as massive factor, but it seems like I was deceived by the bloke who sold me it, as he didn't tell me that the engine in it was only a 1.25 (which I'm assuming must've come from a Fiesta)
Private sale or not i'd get advice from Citizens advice about this, the car has been changed from its original format - and missold to you.

Advise the seller of your intentions first, they might put their hands up and refund you, but dont count on it, if it was sold as seen, then the C.A.B will be only the start.
yeh thats not right,

check the engine number on the block to the one in the log book if its different then theres an issue, contact the seller and tell him whats happened, state your intentions, make it clear what you want and if they refuse then go to citizens advice, you cant sell a car thats not what it says it is no matter where you bought it from, auction, forecourt, private or ebay, its misrepresentation and in legal terms is actually a crime.

the 1.25 zetec was NEVER fitted to a puma at all, 1.4, 1.6 and the 1.7 were the only engines used, and as stated above without an engineers report it would be awkward to insure a 1.25 puma.

its also awkward to spot a 1.25 from a 1.4 they look very much the same from the outside, but if you can get an engine number off it then your local ford garge should be able to tell you what engine it has actaully got in it.

either way you should find out what you've actually got in that car!

good luck with it
Problem is though even if I could get the money back for the car because I wasn't told about the engine, I'd still be down £1000 through the insurance for it, so it would be a waste to go down that route anyway
in that case. cut your losses and look for a 1.4 engine and try selling the 1.25 one.


cut your loses the otherway and get the money back for your car £1000 down or not.

Its a cruel world
Tbh, I wish I'd never realised this was the case. It was only through a lack of power when I was driving it that I ended up checking in the first place.

The seller has deliberately set out to deceive, although showing his lack of intelligence by placing a 1.4 sticker on the top but leaving the 1.25 barcoded sticker on the side of the block.

I'm not sure where to go with this really... If we contact the seller he's never going to refund us, not if he initially set out to do it regardless, and with a time-span of two months having passed. It might, however, be worth a visit to CAB to see where we stand legally with this. I doubt we'd get very far but its worth a try.

I understand how frustating this is for Matthew, but none of us ever thought to check the side of the engine block for a different sticker! We just assumed it was a 1.4, since it said so on the rocker cover. Bah!! Theres always someone in this world trying to get one over on you isn't there...
That would boil my piss if it is the case!

I knew a guy that sold a 1.3 Polo which he'd dropped a 1.6 block into but because they looked the same you couldn't tell the difference.

For this i'd be definitely asking for advise.
Talk to your insurance company about this, as i believe it may be in their interest as well as yours??
Especially if you have legal cover included in your policy.
^^ Good point, they may be able to advise you.

But double check the engine with Ford first!
Jamie if you need a hand with the guy who sold it gve me bell ill go sort him out! lol

Really shit that this has happened like :( and like I was saying it was strange when you said it was a sflat as a fart...

As above get in touch with the insurance company and he CAB as soon as you can...
I don't know to be honest. There are two stickers on, one with '1.4' on it on the top of the engine cover and one with '1.25' and a barcode and codes on it on the side of the engine, so theoretically its equally likely that the 1.25 sticker could be the wrong one and it could be a 1.4

But we've noticed that the engine temperature always seems to be a lot lower than what it should be...it does have a lot of coolant in it, but it could also be explained because the ECU is mapped for a 1.4 engine...could all just be a coincidence though

Looks like before I do anything I'm going to have to take it to a Ford Garage. I hate to think how much its going to cost just to get someone to open the bonnet, look at the engine and tell me what size it is
Mate just write the engine number off the block and take that to the ford. They might be able to tell you over the counter :)
This morning Jamie took it for a run and managed 50 in second gear, so his opinion is that it must be a 1.4 engine. The sticker on the side that has 1.25 on it could just be a sticker that came with the engine cover that the last owner bought for it when he did the engine swap

So I think we're pretty much convinced it must be the 1.4 engine thank god