1.7 into 1.4 rally car


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Some types will chisel off with a hammer but is usually older cars and it tends to gouge the panels. Get too much heat and youcan distort the panels so a hot air gun is better than a blow lamp but to get rid of the sticky you can use a wire wheel in a drill and as much heat as you dare or spen all day with thinners/petrol trying to wipe it off. Im making shaped gussets to tie the cage back orjust welding it straight to the body where there isnt room for a plate.
ScubaSteve said:
Without heat you don't stand a chance lol

The opposite also applies, i removed ours in the depth of winter, left the car outside in the cold for a few hours then used a wood chisel with rounded edges. Worked a treat.

Interested to see how this project comes along, we are currently building a 1400 (from a 1700). Is it going to be used on the loose or more for tarmac, or both?

Im going for an out and out tarmac car, not sure yet when im going to get chance to use it though.
wizbang said:
Some types will chisel off with a hammer but is usually older cars and it tends to gouge the panels. Get too much heat and youcan distort the panels so a hot air gun is better than a blow lamp but to get rid of the sticky you can use a wire wheel in a drill and as much heat as you dare or spen all day with thinners/petrol trying to wipe it off. Im making shaped gussets to tie the cage back orjust welding it straight to the body where there isnt room for a plate.

i found just a hairdryer was enough heat, couldnt get it off in bigger pieces than 1cmx1cm without, also tried freeze spray but that made not much difference, with just a hair dryer though the wallpaper stripper slid underneath it like butter and large areas were removed in 10 mins

i used white spirit to remove the glue, comes off straight away but stinks lol
Flying Scotsman said:
Fair few being made, a 1400, your building tarmac and im building 1600 gravel... would be good to get them all together eventually when they are finished.

Sounds like a plan, i vote for a 3 way contest on otterburn ranges :wink:

Our car will be mainly for tarmac but its being built with both in mind.

Otterburn..... oh no... I've spent many days... and nights... piss wet through, crawling through the mud, swamps and rivers day and night, frozen... in pain....

That place... I do not have fond memories of!
Flying Scotsman said:
Otterburn..... oh no... I've spent many days... and nights... piss wet through, crawling through the mud, swamps and rivers day and night, frozen... in pain....

That place... I do not have fond memories of!

I know what you mean, longest ive spent up there was a week in February a few years ago...

But in a rally car its just epic, blind crests, big jumps, super fast and so narrow in places. Cant wait for 16th of September for my next fix, i just hope it goes better than last time (in a ditch upside down).
Lidisfarne rally. I co-drive for a guy in a 206, its a top spec car (2.0 on jenveys pushing 250 bhp) so it is one hell of a ride over the ranges.

The weekend after is the Pendragon stages rally on Warcop (more bad memories) in the same car.