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Scotty1.7 said:
Your going to do what!!!!!!!!

There are about 350 of these rare cars on the road and your going to waste another!!!

I have half a mind to mail the seller advising him of your intent not pay.

Sure it might not be worth as much if you sold it- but it would keep it on the road and save another from being fodder for a fiesta.

Reason enough to Ban if thats your intent to make a few quid off it.

FRP's should be saved and used.

One day true enthusiasts like those on this site won't be able to own these special cars cause vultures like you will have bought them and sold them off.

So it needs a few quid spending on it- do it justice and bring it back to road worthy condition.

There was a Cat D FRP for sale at Ford Fair for £4495, needed abit of TLC in my veiw but it looked serviceable.

Thats just my veiw of what needs to happen

hear, hear!
Michelle.Le said:
Scotty1.7 said:
Your going to do what!!!!!!!!

There are about 350 of these rare cars on the road and your going to waste another!!!

I have half a mind to mail the seller advising him of your intent not pay.

Sure it might not be worth as much if you sold it- but it would keep it on the road and save another from being fodder for a fiesta.

Reason enough to Ban if thats your intent to make a few quid off it.

FRP's should be saved and used.

One day true enthusiasts like those on this site won't be able to own these special cars cause vultures like you will have bought them and sold them off.

So it needs a few quid spending on it- do it justice and bring it back to road worthy condition.

There was a Cat D FRP for sale at Ford Fair for £4495, needed abit of TLC in my veiw but it looked serviceable.

Thats just my veiw of what needs to happen

hear, hear!

i agree too. If ur not prepared to do it up then why bother out bidding people that would more than likely have been happy to bag a bargain and put the effort and money in to bring it back up to standard? compete waste if u ask me!
Guys, enough of that. Whatever he wants to do to the car is his business. Scotty, it's not your position to intervene.
I think he played the troll card perfectly, after people had been criticising him, for buying it!

chill everyone :)

I look forward to seeing him restore it to perfection. May well end up with a great FRP for a bargain price.
Fair enough Neil.

I'll apologise for the comments on speaking to the seller- But I stand by the rest 100%

That car is not fully over the hill and can be brought back- It shouldn't be used as a parts mule- If it was a total wrte off i would agree that it is a parts car.

PK- It is your car, you have entered a legal and binding cointract to buy the car. I hope you make the right Moral descion and restore it to the best possiable condition.

Congratulations on the purcahse
spike. said:
I think he played the troll card perfectly, after people had been criticising him, for buying it!

people were critising him for buying it and not going to see it first. surely with a cat d u would go and see it first to weigh up how much its going to cost u to restore it properly.

Scotty1.7 said:
That car is not fully over the hill and can be brought back- It shouldn't be used as a parts mule- If it was a total wrte off i would agree that it is a parts car.

whats the point in scrapping it? can understand it if it was worse damage
Buying it and repairing it. approx 2550 + 3000= 5500....when an average condition frp has just sold for 5k.'

it dont make sense to scrap it
spike. said:
I look forward to seeing him restore it to perfection. May well end up with a great FRP for a bargain price.
EXACTLY....ive spent over £2500 on my standard puma within 8 months of owning it not including what i paid for it so i dont think im gonna be crying spending more on such a rare car

i think people are forgetting its a cat D car it will never be worth 5k to 8k if that was the case the seller would have got an insurance pay out instead of only having 3rd party and not being able to afford to fix it im doing him a favour
spike. said:
I think he played the troll card perfectly, after people had been criticising him, for buying it!

chill everyone :)

I look forward to seeing him restore it to perfection. May well end up with a great FRP for a bargain price.

I agree,

Plus, most of the bidders for it were probably the scrappy boys trying to make a quick buck anyway.

Hope you manage to get it sorted a lot cheaper than people seem to think it'll cost. :eek:k:
The only thing that makes me smile is the number of times you've criticised the FRP for being overrated, and how so many other cars are 'better', and how you'd 'be in the doghouse' if you came home with one, and that you'd never have one. :roll:
Doing him a favour assuming you actually go through with the sale. Otherwise you've completely wasted his time.
.............and money posting the ad, and the cost of readvertising
@cherie never said id never own one just said they were overpriced compared with other performance cars after easily fitting the buggy in the boot im sure i can make the mrs like it

@neil if everything is as described in his advert theres no reason why i wont just messaged him and he wreckons its mechanically sound aprt from the exhuast is loose which aint a problem other matters are just cosmetic aslong as theres no suspension damage which will be checked by my mechanic im taking up this weekend to view it

ive bought cat D cars with more damage than this before so it doesnt put me off
I wouldn't think about getting an FRP either unless one came along at a low price and the only way you'll get one is if it's Cat D or a complete mess. I'd choose the CAt D as I'm also not bothered about Cat D cars, Cat C maybe. After all, mine is a Cat D and I only bought it as it was so cheap and enjoy it so much I've now spent nearly twice as much of the purchase price on new parts that aren't/were'nt actually needed because it was such a good buy in the first place (although you wouldn't know it by the state of it...lol, but it is a good car under all that crap - despite my bearing issue...lol), but I also knew the previous owner who repaired it was of sound character - he's a traffic cop, plus I have all the photo's of the damage and the repairs done and I was assured to know that he wouldn't let anyone drive it if it wasn't safe as his wife had it for a year before I bought it and he needed rid because he'd just repaired a nearly new fiesta for her.
i didnt know yours was cat D yipp

it doesnt bother me either i live in birmingham where if your young and want a nice new car cat D is the way obviously you dont get full value when you sell but if you dont go around shouting its a cat D most people think youve shelled out big money for a car you got and fixed at a snip of the price

people dont actually think all these youth driving around in 10k+ cars and dont work have bought them for that do they....lol
Not many people did unless I told them....lol.

I have a feeling a lot of 'these youths' aren't driving Cat D cars but have bought them with cash from dubious transactions. My son saw a certain youth a few months back driving up his road in a brand new.....GT-R!!!. He doesn't work so god knows how the likes of these people are able to justify how they get the means or have the ability to buy such wonderful machinery. I've worked hard (ish) most of my life but would have to blow every penny I have to own something like that and then have to work hard (ish) to be able to keep the bloody thing in fine fettle and make up for the depreciation I'd lose by just buying one in the first place...lol.

Another thought is, I'm guessing a lot of people wouldn't think twice about fixing up a car that they owned if it was involved in an accident or got damaged to a Cat D category and was a 'reasonably' cheap repair to get it back to looking & driving as good as it was rather than letting their cherished car go to the scrappy or whatever.
http://www.car-transplants.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

These guys are great and even ship the car to you I've had a couple of easy front end fix's of them and friends still use them often it's shocking what little damage some cars get written off for some don't even have any damage if their stolen/recovered
Congratulations on the purchase PK. The price seems reasonable for the described condition, I will look forward to reading about it being restored to it's former glory.

As you say as long as the person that owns the car is enjoying it then the fact it's previously been an insurance write off has no relevance to anything.

Then when you come to want to sell it you can let someone else have the opportunity to own a great car for slightly less than a clear one. Just remember that you'll probably not make back what you've put into repairing it, at least not for 10 years :)
pumadad2010 said:

These guys are great and even ship the car to you I've had a couple of easy front end fix's of them and friends still use them often it's shocking what little damage some cars get written off for some don't even have any damage if their stolen/recovered

I have had cars from here before, they are a little over priced for repair to sell on but if there are for your own use then what the hell.

The reason why they get written off so easily is that the insurance usually insist on the car being put on a jig, also any replacement panels have to be from the manufacturer which as we all know can cost a fortune.
I was at my local bodyshop a few years ago and the insurance were about to write off a 4 year old Pug 206cc which needed a front and back bumper with paint!

How many people would be up in arms if I had bought it and thrown a rollcage into it an took it down the lanes on roadrallies, at least it would be kept on the road?!