Anyone from around Essex


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hi jackwest what small village near braintree do you live in? i'm in halstead so probably seen your motor around.
I work in haverhill and see loads of pumas everyday, i always give a wave just in case they are project members (i think we need an easy to identify signal too each other)
Live hedingham way bud and usually around halstead area, work near chelmsford though buddy.

Don't think i've seen you around though? Or i may just be concetrating on driving and don't see :) I will wave next time lol
Black Y reg mate.

Whats yours?

There's a puma that sometimes attends modified meets around essex, a silver one, but I have never actually spoke to him...

I'm usually at colchester, manningtree, braintree, harlow, southend (once in a blue moon) or up suffolk meets depending on where they are and what i'm doing :)
Mines a t plate I think I might have passed you as I was going through Sibley this morning would have been about 8ish
If it was your car is nice and shiney I think I need to get my buffer
Ah was that you mate??

I think you pass me every morning! lol

Yeah it's still nice and shiny from ford fair haha. Got the polish out :p

Still a bit dirty though. Think it only took me an hour to get it polished.
Nice little project the vinyl is mental marmite, me I love it others might hate it but it's all down to personal taste.
Hopefully I will have some leather in mine soon lol just need to find some in my mates scrap yard lol
Can u they me know where and when the meets are on Friday and Saturday or if anyone wanted to meet
Tommo1990 - Location has not currently been revealed yet So i will update this as soon as i know.

Thanks bud, yeah some people aren't fans but hey ho... it's not their car ! :) Think they had leather in one of the pumas like the thunder or something. I'd love the FRP seats though, very tasty :)
hmmm frp racing seats and cards droooollll
My wife had a sport KA in imperial blue that had blue and black leather interior, the seats were really nice, I wonder if they would fit?
obviously it would not fit the rear seat but if you had a black leather rear it could look great.
I had a bit of a result last friday night, I went over to my mate tims and his friend that runs a body shop in Gosfield came over, we had a few shandies and got chatting, it turned out he had formatted the sd card in his mobile by mistake and lost years of photos and music, he laughingly asked if I could get them back and said if I could he would do my rear arch for the cost of the paint (£23)
suffice to say over the next two days the memory card was run through several recovery programs and I got 90% of his files back, he was well pleased and my arch should be done over the bank holiday weekend! i'm hoping that he will give the rest of the car a bloody good mopping over and make it shine like new (i will try and see if I can get him to re clear coat the whole car)
nice thing is if anyone else has a panther back puma there will be paint left over for someone else to get them done, or I might ask him to keep hold of it for when I get going on my body mods
Hmm probably keep hold lol. My arches are quite savage, well, one side deffo is!

For anyone that is interested there is a small meet for another club i belong to,

Will link to the event page, anyone is more than welcome to come along, these aren't the huge meets but small and quite friendly, I'm usually around that way and this one is in colchester

NOTE: this is a small local meet, not a huge one like the takeovers...