Buying a welder - any advice?


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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2013
Oh Mighty Welding Gurus of the Project Puma Forum, I beseech thee to bestow your wisdom upon this ungrateful wretch..!

I was talking to my other half last night and he was on about Christmas presents (already!) and he has suggested that this year he gets me a welder for Christmas (or before..) so I can teach myself and have a good go at the welding on Reggie. We agreed on a budget of £250, and I'll maybe put it up to £300 if it's really worth it. After a quick look on ebay there are literally dozens of options at varying prices. Neither of us have much of a clue about welding.

So! Can anyone suggest what features I should be looking for? I know nothing of gas types or wire sizes or aaaaanything.
Hi Emma
I've had my Cebora MIG welder for about 20 years now , it's welded up lots of cars and never broken although it's getting ready for a new gun now. You can buy cheaper such as SIP or Clarke but I wouldn't and to cap it all my welder was rebadged and sold as a Snap-on so that should show the quality of it. I'm sure my model the pocket turbo 130 won't be available anymore but the ratings for it are 30-130 Amps, it has 3 position power settings and infinitly variable wire feed speed and of course it uses gas. As for the gas a small MIG usually comes with a throw away bottle of CO2 but you can get bigger pub size ones if you're friendly with your local landlord or you can buy them for a one-off payment and then just pay for the gas thereafter rather than taking out a contract with a supplier such as BOC. If you want to do other metals such as Stainless or aluminium you just buy the right wire and get a bottle of Argon rather than CO2.
Hope that helps.

Hope this link works, this is the replacement for mine.
I have a SIP gasless, also owned it for about 20 years and its been fine for me. My brother also used it to build his kit car.

Given the choice now, I'd buy something with gas but put aside some of the budget for a decent mask as the ones supplied (if any) are quite frankly, shite.

My two-penneth.

We've got a Clarke 160 Turbo and it's been great for us. The biggest difference we found with it was going from hobby bottles to a proper sized bottle with regulator. Try and find a supplier of Adams gas near you - just google it :)
+1 for getting a decent mask,
I found it a great help when learning to have an 'auto darkening' mask, it let's you see the work piece much more easily without constantly lifting the mask.
Thanks guys. I'll definitely be getting one of those auto masks cause I don't want to be taking chances with my een (eyes in Doric :grin: )

I have seen a Sealey welder that looks like it could fit the bill. I will look into that Clarke option as well though. :thumbs: