Can someone tell me what exactly i have done wrong?


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...and if you don't know what you've done I'm certainly not going to tell you...!

how many of us blokes have heard that one?!

reminds me of being married when the fact that I was breathing was cause enough for hostilities!
I'm so glad Cherie and I as almost horizontal in our layedbackness.

Chin up Draddy
I've never claimed to be a good speller. Too laid / layed / lade / laird /ladle / laired back.

It is kind of pointless now but have to give my opinion :)P)

If I 'in a mood' (sometimes genuinely upset and sometimes over-reacting about something petty) I would want my boyfriend to pursue asking me what's wrong. Being ignored doesn't help. What women want (I think) is for the problem to be coaxed out of them so they can get it off their chest and carry on.

Just my opinion though, everyone's different!
I agree with you there Vix - im having probs atm, because my boyfriend is ignoring me and have been quite down recently...
when I tell him whats wrong he says im having a go but he never asks whats up when im down....
crystalpuma said:
It is kind of pointless now but have to give my opinion :)P)

If I 'in a mood' (sometimes genuinely upset and sometimes over-reacting about something petty) I would want my boyfriend to pursue asking me what's wrong. Being ignored doesn't help. What women want (I think) is for the problem to be coaxed out of them so they can get it off their chest and carry on.

Just my opinion though, everyone's different!

how often have I heard 'if you don't know what the matter is I'm certainly not going to tell you'?!!!
Yes but very often you should know. Other times the girl should say. It is give and take. I have been frustrated in the past with men not getting what is wrong as to me it seems obvious, but I think I have given up expecting men to know!
but when the incident that has caused the upset the chap doesn't know about in the first place...

(eg he wasn't there when it happened!)
I agree with Vix & Zara, sometimes when I'm a bit down about all sorts of things,- from my weight, to what's in the news, yobbo kids nearby with the fear of causing trouble outside your house or car,work related topics of colleauges not working properly & getting away with it, to your finances. So it could be some or all of those upsets going on & then your other half says when are you going to lose weight, you just need to cut down the chocolate etc.
It's not what I want to hear, I want to be consoled, hugged & told it'll get better.Some men aren't always tactful, & sometimes their action or inaction can break the camels back & cause us [ the girls] to lose our temper or we get upset