Damo's Puma


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damo :-)

New member
Oct 28, 2011

Thought I would start a thread of my wee beastie, seeing as though I have now started doing a few mods

So, a bit of background info.

I first had a Puma back in 2001, and I paid £10500 for it. Really enjoyed it, but kids came along so it was sold for something more practical.

Fast forward 11 years and I find myself needing a second car for work, and after looking at some horrendous cars for my sub £1000 budget, I was inevitably drawn back towards a Puma.

A quick scan of eBay later, and I had sourced a 53k FSH Silver 1.7 with only 2 lady owner (the latter having owned her for the last 10yrs) and all she was asking was £850

After seeing it, and driving it I negotiated it down to £750 and the couple who owned it were lovely people and had obviously taken great care of it, and the condition was superb. Closer inspection revealed the arches had been touched up for sale, but I knew I was replacing them anyway so didn't consider that to be a major issue.
Everything worked as it should, and like I said drove perfect with nothing needing doing. The cam belt having been changed a mere 9000 miles back.

A quick wash and polish and this is how she stood



First up was to upgrade the piss poor lights, and after deliberating various bulbs, I went down the HID route (I know I know before anyone starts!)
What a big improvement it made, night time driving was actually visible again

Here's what its like now (bear in mind it is daylight)


And another at night


Next up was to sort out the blowing exhaust, and I decided to go for a Powerflow so I could choose the tailpipe. here was the old one complete with mahoosive hole in :)


I decided on a 4" Slash cut design, as it looked more in keeping with the curve of the rear bumper



I also had the centre section replaced with just mild steel, and the total bill was only £204 all in, which I though was pretty good.
I didn't want a loud system, as I have had them in the past and I couldn't be doing with headaches on long journeys, so I went for a nice baritone grumble on tick over low revs, and it sounds absolutely awesome on hard acceleration :D

My latest mods are purely cosmetic...A set of Puma gel badge overlays for the boot/grill and steering wheel and the obligatory Project Puma sticker


and finally the complete back end, which looks just about perfect now in my opinion


Thats all for now, but I will keep updating as I go

Thanks for looking, and as always opinions good or bad are always welcome


damo :-) said:
Next up was to sort out the blowing exhaust, and I decided to go for a Powerflow so I could choose the tailpipe. here was the old one complete with mahoosive hole in :)

Looks really good!

Dont suppose you could let me know the details of the exhaust that is the exact kind of thing I would like to get.

focuszetec said:
Looks really good!

Dont suppose you could let me know the details of the exhaust that is the exact kind of thing I would like to get.


Basically if you go to Powerflow, and ask for a 4" Slash cut, with the tapered internal they'll know what you mean. They have about 40 tailpipes to choose from, so you can have a good look and see what you fancy.
They also have just the plain 4" slash cut with no internal taper, but it didn't look quite as good IMO.

I initially asked for the straight 4" outward rolled tailpipe, as I had seen it on another members car and liked that, but now I'm glad I changed my mind and went for the slash cut.

It really does follow the curve of the bumper and looks stunning.

Go for it fella, plus it looks even better in the flesh :)


Must admit I have had a few powerflow systems over the years on various cars, mostly cat back and they have been bang on you pay for what you get.
evilrob said:
Looking minty there, my friend. Very nice! :thumbs:

Thanks mate...

After reading your recent detailing post, If I can get it looking half as shiny as you've got yours I'll be happy


Sparx said:
Looks very nice and clean, seems to be in great condition! Nice find :eek:k:


After seeing those decals on yours, it's seriously tempting me to get something on mine...
Nothing outrageous, just nice and subtle in keeping with the style I'm aiming for.

Regarding yours, I think you've captured the rally look perfect, and it really suits it... Great job


Cheers mate

I got my inspiration after finding a pic online, if you google rally puma there's loads on there.. quite outrageous styles though :lol: but if you want subtle to could do something like Scotty's and go for a pinstripe down the side.. depends what you've got in mind i guess...

That's a bit too subtle

I was thinking possibly chequers a la Focus/Fiesta St's

Or maybe the lower stripes from arch to arch

Have to have a play around on photoshop I guess, then get someone to make them up for me


I can help you out there with the stripes; thats what I had on mine before I got the rally graphics done...




The chequered design looks good too

Hey, that stripe is great, would look good in black on mine.

Must say though, your car looks even better now than it did before.

Maybe I need to go extreme instead of subtle :D


Yea you'd have to go for a darker colour having a silver car.
And thanks, I appreciate your comments :) and its entirely up to you with what you wanna go for - but before you commit to anything like what i've got you have to be sure about it.. they cost abit of dollar and not easy to remove :lol:
Another small mod I did today was installed an LED panel to replace the interior light bulb

Here it is installed off


and on


Bearing in mind its daylight, it was still bloody bright!!!

Not a bad little mod for less than £3 :lol:


all looking good there mate :eek:k:

I changed my interior light in my old black to a white LED aswell and dam it was bright but looked good 8) got the blue LED's in the frupster now :)
I thought about green to match the dials, but went with white.
At that price though, I might try a green anyway.
Thanks for the nice comment, means a lot from someone with a car as fantastic as yours