ECUs and immobiliser ring


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Active member
Dec 13, 2010
Simple question; is the immobiliser ring (fitted around the ignition barrel) coded to the ECU or just the key?

I ask because I have a 1.7 engine with a TAPE ECU to fit to my 1.4, but the engine came with a non-fob key so changing the chip into my fob key will be tricky. Therefore if I could keep my key and ring and just fit the engine and TAPE that would be larvely. If it's a no go i'll look at cannibalising the key or maybe just buy a donor car and start from scratch.
I would say they are not coded to anything as they only read the code from the key. Hence why you can swap between ECUs on the Pumas and also do Puma conversions in the Fezzas without swapping the ring over.

You couldn't just get a second hand/spare three button fob/remote and fit the TAPE transponder in to that, get a new blade cut from your existing key and then program the fob to the central locking?? Saves getting violent.. unless you enjoy that sort of thing!! :-D
Ah I see. So I can just leave the transponder in the car as it is and just fit the TAPE with the engine and it's all hunky dory?
I have done the same conversion 1.4 to 1.7. Definitely the ring around the ignition barrel doesn't need to be changed.

But you should have the chip that goes with the 1.7 ECU. You may not have the fob but you absolutely need the chip. Then you can drill gently the red square on top of the 1.4 key (or find a way to push it out). You then slide the 1.4 chip out of the key and push into it the 1.7 chip. You are ready!
Ah now I understand. The key is mated to the ECU. Right thanks for the help, I was really getting confused about it :eek:k: