Fibreglassing Questions


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Flying Scotsman

New member
Aug 18, 2010
New York, New York
I'm needing some cheap cheerful parts made up for the Puma, 2 bonnets and some nice flat front door cards.
I got a bit of a bargain on a lot of some chopped strand fibreglass, the thickness I don't actually know yet, but I'm looking at the quantities of resin that will be required for it all.

I figure we're going to need about 9sq metres of glass for a single bonnet, 4sq metres for a webbing structure, and about 5sq metres for a single door card.

Now the door cards will be flocked so I don't care for the surface of it and the bonnets I am aiming to be wrapped with some funky colours so I'm not looking to paint any of the panels.

I've tried those online calculators but I'm really none the wiser.

Anyone able to shed some light on how much resin + catalyst I am looking to buy to achieve 2 bonnets, webbing and door cards, guestimating around 25-30sq metres of fibreglass.
Its not as simple as that mac!

rule of thumb with chopped strand matt is you will use roughly 2.5 times the weight of resin as you will use weight of fabric. Youll want about 450 grammes per square meter of gel coat.

You need to measure those parts, work out surface area and number of layers of the CSM then you can calculate the resin usage.
just leave that off the list then. You will want to paint a thin layer of resin into the mould then let it go tacky before you put the fibreglass on as otherwise the surface will have lots of voids that need filling. Also means you dont sand straight into glass when you prep for paint/finish the panels off.