Ford Fair 2011 Chat Thread


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Think I'd best bring coolant if it's gonna be hot, my car overheated on the way home last time it was this hot (2007)
I will buy you a beer for those anyway.


Dal said:
Excellent work with the banner Simon, thank you very much!

Would payments in random 1.7 engine parts suffice? :lol:
Great Banner- So lookingt forward to this know

Blue03- I just got something dropped off for your good self as well

Hoping it is heavy, metallic and cylindrical !!! I am going to owe lots of people after this FF


Scotty1.7 said:
Great Banner- So lookingt forward to this know

Blue03- I just got something dropped off for your good self as well
This response to your comment means the 2 put together sound very dodgy

But yes it is indeed, round, heavy and cylindrical.

And don't worry Its not a problem bringing it down.
Patch said:
I don't mind waiting around for Ross at the end of the day as I only a 10 minute drive as I'm staying in Northampton :eek:k:

I'll be hanging around till we all decide to 'finally' call it a day ( 6:30 ish last time rings a bell??)
why not- I mean once it gets past 5 thats it end of the show so its free for all then
WOW that banner is amazing!! How much does something like that cost?

crystalpuma said:
Think I'd best bring coolant if it's gonna be hot, my car overheated on the way home last time it was this hot (2007)
whats wrong with the cooling system then Vix?? your car should not overheat in stationary traffic in the middle east, let alone the climate we have here.

Thermostat duff/on way out?? rad partially blocked?
warrenpenalver said:
WOW that banner is amazing!! How much does something like that cost?
For me free as i reuse the frame etc from work and it doesnt cost me anything to print it, there is however a firm on ebay doing them printed from your artwork with all the frame bag etc for about40 quid