frp nitrous install


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Aww :( I was expecting everything to go blurry and a flaming exhaust! ... I'll have to stop watching The fast and the furious i think :p
If your in st Helens mate why don't you just come to mine and see it for yourself :twisted:

I'm in st Helena too
I might actually do that :) Where abouts in st helens are you? Only ever seen one FRP about, dont think it was you though :-(
I live in Wigan. But the car is in rainford at my parents house.

What bout you?

I've ran out of nitrous at the mo and mega skint but you cud come see the car and il try hook up my tiny bottle if u want
It's alright mate don't worry about it im in no rush, i doubt i'll be installing anything like that for a long time was just interested lol. I live in billinge and work in St Helens so always pottering about. :)
You can come Down and see the install whenever you like mate. If you want me take you for a spin in it it will have to be before 21st sept as I'm on hols after that then the car will be tucked away for winter
I keep harping on about a heater and I've just friggin remembered I have one!!!...what an idiot!!!

I bought it ages ago off Ebay but when it arrived it wasn't as advertised but we came to an agreement and I paid a tenner for it. It's not too clever but the bugger heats up quick as you like and now I have a gauge in the car I can keep an eye on it.

CRAP CRAP CRAP....all those bottles used on low pressure :fists: :fists:
Ya joking, lol.

Get it hooked up and tested mate :) what make is it?

There is a won one on eBay at the mo, I'm just on my arse with cash at the mo so will have to look at getting one over winter sometime and enjoy the benefits next summer. I've barely been out in it this year as the weathers been so crap!!!
No...totally forgot about it as it's that

It's a CPL Racing one for the record. A crappy red/orange heater with 2 leads. Tested it when I got it and it got hot nice and quick so might do the job.

Also seen that one on Ebay up for £80 starting price. Think he's being greedy tbh.
Yeah I've seen the cpl ones. Looks crap but if it heats up who cares, lol.

Yeah very high start price. Id think it's worth about 80 not start at that!
Weather was nice today boosting the bottle up to 950psi so I did a few tests. By the time I got to where I wanted to be I'd already lost 50psi, it's just so

Without nitrous:-" onclick=";return false;

With nitrous:-" onclick=";return false;

Not very good quality but you get the gist of it :eek:k:
Sorry mate. Been on hols for 2 weeks. You can really see the big difference in acceleration :)

Have you got your heater wired up now?
Sweet, hope you had a great time :eek:k:

No, not fitted the crappy heater yet, think I'm gonna treat myself to a new one as the difference between having the right/wrong pressure is HUGE plus it actually makes the contents of the bottle more available and usuable when it's nearing empty which has got to be a good thing ;)
all the weight of all this stuff is going to negate any performance the nitrous gives lol
Yeah the correct heater has got to make a massive difference :) Specially if your going to use it over a cold winter.

Scubasteve. Read the thread mate. The weight is barely anything compared to the power it gives. The figures and vids show that :roll:
i think it worked.. :lol:

Nitrous is a sensitive subject.. lol

be careful testing any heater wrap not strapped to anything, it will knacker it up VERY quickly :idea: i'd stick to the WON item personally they are much better quality!!... when your drawing that much current down the length of your car i wouldn't cut any corners or the trails of smoke may not be coming from your :eek: :lol: :lol: