General Insurance Chat


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As the chat is "General" insurance, I'll just mention that my Swedish friend has bought his son a Porsche 924S. His son is about 20 and has been driving for about 6 months. I asked about the insurance... £650 p.a. fully comp at present exchange rates... :eek:

I suggested it was because the only things you can hit in Sweden are a Volvo and a moose, and the 924 would bounce of both without leaving any damage.
21year old male, full time student, had my licence 9 months. £815 for a '99 1.7. Pretty happy with that!
Rynrack said:
21year old male, full time student, had my licence 9 months. £815 for a '99 1.7. Pretty happy with that!
You either live in the desert or you are just the 2nd named driver on the documents, probably after father/grandfather. A guy I know does the same, his father doesn't even drive his car. Problem if they catch you, happened to many, will cause invalid insurance/prison time due fraud. I've got my licence 10 years ago and my cheapest quote was Ł700ish.
Nope. Its my own policy. But I do live in Suffolk in the middle of nowhere. But I do have a limited mileage as I usually only do about 50 miles a week at a maximum!
I have been shopping around for insurance today and have to say it has left me totally perplexed at the range in prices (£350 to £1000 +) and that the so called modified experts didn't even want to quote all bar Adrian Flux but they wanted circa £900.
I am not really into slagging off insurance companies but as I said I am perplexed by the fact that you can get such wildly varying prices for exactly the same criteria. It's not that I am a young whipper snapper either I am 47 with a clean licence no accidents etc and live in a low risk area and the car is garaged. It's hardly surprising sometimes that the media jump on it with their sensational style, as it does seem to defy all logic, after all at the end of the day the risk to insure me is the same for each company but yet there is such a wild variation in quotes
£105 fully comp......was a little bit more but shaved £15 off by adding my wife as named driver!!

Have to say that age does help (over 50) and limited the mileage to 4000 and social use only, probably the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere does help as well, only thing that annoyed me was the fact that they ignored my no claims years (10+) as "you cannot have no claims discount on two cars" why not? I did point out that it is impossible for me to drive both cars at once but got nowhere with that one.

still, quite happy with quote as one company quoted £1600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with the no claims discount bit, the insurers say it is all about risk but totally ignore that you may have a big no claims on another car but as it can't be used on another risk assess you as having no no claims until you build another one up on this car.......strange that everything seems to be loaded in their favour.
If anyone does need any help with insurance at all then please feel free to drop me a line.
I am after some help and advice. This years policy due date is fast approaching and I am faced with the dilemma of getting an agreed insured valuation policy, as what with the addition of a miltek stainless manifold and system, a FRP Limited slip diff gearbox, FRP inlet, millennium seats and a few extra upgrades the normal book valuation would leave me stuffed if anything was to happen that writes off the car.
I have never had to negotiate such a policy before and would therefore be grateful for some tips and insurers most open to these types of polices.
Flux will do agreed values on a Puma but they will require legit bills for whatever you claim to have done to the car that warrants the value you requesttYou will also need 6 photos of the car showing overall condition.My son has his ‘99 1.7 on an agreed value of £3k .
gingerdave said:
[post]368455[/post] Flux will do agreed values on a Puma but they will require legit bills for whatever you claim to have done to the car that warrants the value you requesttYou will also need 6 photos of the car showing overall condition.My son has his ‘99 1.7 on an agreed value of £3k .

Thanks for the info, I will give them a call.
Insurance time again here. Last year £272 with eSure, full comp. This year £303. I can live with it, as the car is used daily for commutes and plenty of fun driving.

I have to say, though, that having an agreed value on the car sounds interesting... considering what expenses mine has sponged up. :oops: