GMAX Super Sport Suspension Kit


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New member
Jan 18, 2016
To include:

Apologise in advance - very long post.

I purchased a set of GMAX Super Sport Suspension for my Puma back in February 2016 as a replacement for my old, tired and rusting original suspension that was close to failing the January MOT (but ended up as advisories).

So while I had a bit of spare cash and some urgent jobs that required doing, I ordered (and had fitted) the following parts:

>> Problem Solving Rear Beam Bushes
>> Rear Suspension Top Mounts & 2 New Circlips
>> Flo-Flex Front Wishbone (top & bottom) & anti-roll bar bushes
>> New Track Rod Ends and Tie Bars
>> New Anti-Roll Bar Links
>> 2 x CV Gaiters
>> Front Suspension Top Mounts
>> 2 x Spring Vibration Dampers (Ford OEM)
>> LUK 3 Piece Clutch
>> Clutch Pedal Master Cylinder
>> Long Hose from Clutch Pedal Master Cylinder to Reservoir

>> and the GMAX Suspension Kit.

When funds allowed I had all the above parts fitted (about a month later).

As soon as I had the car back, I immediately took it for a spin up the motorway (flat road) and then back down a well known twisty A road to test out the car and the new suspension.

tbh - I have never felt so scared in the my life - on the motorway the front end of the car was boucing around like a ping pong ball and on the twisty A road the car felt genuinely unsafe.

I took the car straight back to my mechanic and he checked the suspension but could not find anything noticeably wrong - so greased the front suspension - thinking (wrongly now) that the springs were grabbing.

So I stuck with it for a couple of months; took the car up to Performance Puma to have the cambelt changed and the car seemed to behave itself both there and back.

However, a couple of weeks later I came back down the motorway and up on braking from 40 to 10 mph on the slip road, the car seemed to rock backwards and forwards under braking.

So I thought enough is enough.

I started by going on the GMAX website and ringing the contact number, only to find that this number rang and rang with no answer; then I found that GMAX was owned by MotorSpeed, so I found their details out and contacted them - again no answer.

So I contacted PumaBuild which is where I purchased them from and spoke to Alan and asked what I can do about the "faulty suspension". He stated that I could not know that they were faulty but suggested that I take the car into them for a check. I said that I could not do that as they were 225 miles from me and it would not be viable. So he suggested that I get in contact with Mountney (who own GMAX) and ask them what to do.

During my conversation with Alan (PumaBuild) I stated that I had spoken to him in February before I purchased said suspension. He stated that he had not spoken to me before today and I said that it was he who had recommended the suspension as being a very good replacement for stock Puma suspension.

He stated that PumaBuild do not stock GMAX suspension (that my order from them had to be specially ordered from Mountney (which was a lie)); that he would not recommend GMAX as they had gone downhill over the last few years. So I said, but the Puma has a massive following and he stated that the Puma is a 15+ year old car, that the following that I stated isn't there and that they do not see many Pumas in PumaBuild these days - maybe 1 or 2 a year.

So I contacted Mountney and explained that the suspension seemed very bouncy; so they asked could I push down the front suspension; I explained that I could and quite a way down and I was told that it should be rock hard and that I shouldn't be able to push it down.

I also informed them of the bouncy rear end and the rocking back/forth under braking. They suggested that the suspension was faulty and that I should send it back to them.

They then refused to speak to me, as I was not the customer and that I should go back to PumaBuild.

Went back to PumaBuild. Alan informed me that I should take the car into my local mechanic to have the suspension removed and that I should send the complete units back to Mountney (this includes their suspension kit and the top mounts). PumaBuild would pay for the courier.

Between day 1 and day 23 of my car being sat in my mechanics garage on ramps the emails and telephone calls between Mountney / PumaBuild and myself were many, some were heated and some emails were used to get their attention (as it turns out Mountney don't like talking to their customers).

"One particular telephone call was between myself and Phil (PumaBuild) where Phil had been informed by Mountney as to where would we like my old suspension kit sent back to (me or PumaBuild) as they did not have the technical expertise to remove the top mounts off the rear suspension. You can imagine the thoughts that both myself and Phil had."

The short of it is:

>> Mountney received the suspension back and sent it away for testing. I thought (based on what Dan Kimpton (director of Mountney) stated that this was going to be an independent test. It turns out that it was done in house by Mountney;

>> Dan Kimpton - as a gesture of goodwill sent me a complete new set of supersport suspension so that I could get my car on the road;

>> Dan Kimpton sent the picture in the following post: to me stating the damage done to one of the rear struts was down to my mechanic (of 15+ years) incorrectly fitting the rear strut;

>> The new set of SuperSport suspension that arrived to me was superbly packed; all the parts were bubble wrapped and the springs even had labels saying which ones are front and rear and there were no scratches on the suspension struts. The box was shrink wrapped and had fragile all over the box. The enclosed instructions even have a warning to take 20mm off the bump stops -- unlike the box that came from PumaBuild - that was none of the above.

PumaBuild sent the first order from their own stock. How do I know? Because Dan Kimpton told me that he had never heard of me prior to this complaint. Had PumaBuild ordered a kit from them for me in February, then the kit would have been made and sent directly from Mountney to me and thus they would have had my details on file;

>> Mountney had to send (apparently at extreme cost to them) the top mounts and top spring cups back to me as they did not request them (apparently they only requested the parts from the kit);

>> Multiple email questions to Mountney re: correct torque settings, etc. were ignored, as the settings that we had / mechanic had came from the Fiesta Haynes Manual and are correct. Mountney claims the damage done to the rear suspension has been caused by the mechanic tightening up the nuts too much;

>> Yesterday I received an email from Dan Kimpton and in that email was the test report for my old suspension and it stated the following:

Damper 1 - Front - No Fault Found;
Damper 2 - Front - Damper Leaking, No Return Pressure, Low Oil Due to Leak, No Resistance - Failed Unit;
Damper 3 - Rear - No Fault Found;


All springs tested as ok and within tolerance.

When I questioned what would cause the lower circlip to twist out of the groove - the answer was overtightening during fitment.

If I have got this right - the retainer that sits inside the rear of the puma, would only tighten down onto the top of the strut and go no further - which is why the torque setting is only 25 lbft

I then asked "A “failed unit” on the front would suggest a problem in the production of this set. This failure caused the front end of the car to be exceptionally bouncy from day 1.

As this is a failure of your unit and not anything that we have done (Your 3 year warranty) then I would NOT expect to have to pay to have my suspension removed and refitted, especially after only 5 months. I expect Mountney / GMax to pay this fee."

Their reply - "As this is a fitment error which could have also caused the leaks in both dampers, the warranty is therefore invalidated and Mountney/GMax are not liable for any additional costs incurred. At no point were we even obliged to send a new kit FOC but as a gesture of good will, we did so.

We could also claim the numerous transportation costs when your mechanic failed to return the suspension kit correctly. We see no point in doing this.

As far as Mountney is concerned, we are not at fault for the situation that occurred and have done more than is necessary to try and resolve this.

Unfortunately, your issue is with other people, not us."

There is only one leaky damper - not two and there is no fitment error.

So, not only did I have to pay to have the original suspension fitted but I have also had to pay a further £175 to have the faulty suspension removed and refitted.

The new suspension was fitted in exactly the same way as the old suspension and yet the new suspension from Day 1 is rock solid on the front (and a little lower) and the rear suspension is also rock solid and theres no knocking (as per the previous suspension).

Go figure.

Any Thoughts By Members Would Be Appreciated Before I Take This Further.
:? this is quite a long story of woe

So are you now up and running with a functioning set of suspension?
red said:
[post]357338[/post] :? this is quite a long story of woe

So are you now up and running with a functioning set of suspension?

Yes I am - but that's not the point. This post would not exist if it had been right the first time / if I didn't have to pay twice for something that should have been right the first time.
Has anybody else had problems like this with PumaBuild / Mountney / other companys?
A shining example of "Cheap is dear". I don't recall any similar problems with people on this site, but i'm certain it's happened previously, as the cheaper stuff may be acceptable when working but has a much higher probability of failure than the higher end gear, hence why I eventually put my hand in my pocket and swapped my GMax setup for AP.

Obviously I empathise with you but you have to weigh up whether it's worth taking it further, as you often end up with even less money and considerably fewer hairs on your head.
The question is who to believe in this matter - PumaBuild (stating that GMax is crap and have gone downhill in the last few years) or Mountney (who own GMax) stating that they hand build every GMax suspension set and that they sell 15,000 units a year without the average 10% failure rate?
Interesting read. This sort of stuff falls under this -

...and this answers the age old question -

People actually see this happening as it should without realising it. For example, a Honda part fails and it's under warranty, so they take it in to a main dealership, it's fixed without charge and they drive off. How could it be any different? A Honda part failed and a Honda garage fixed it, what's your point?

Err, that Honda garage is very likely not part of Honda at all, but an independent garage that has been given dealership rights, i.e. it is a retailer franchise (I know this because I play snooker with a guy who has a garage that is also a Vauxhall main dealership)

So, the customer thinks they have, in this case, been dealing with the manufacturer, but have actually been dealing with a retailer and the warranty costs are internally paid to that retailer by the manufacturer.

AshLaw said:
[post]357507[/post] The question is who to believe in this matter
Reading the above, that is pretty easy to figure, I think -

During my conversation with Alan (PumaBuild) I stated that I had spoken to him in February before I purchased said suspension. He stated that he had not spoken to me before today and I said that it was he who had recommended the suspension as being a very good replacement for stock Puma suspension.
Did you speak to him in February and did he recommend them or not?

He stated that PumaBuild do not stock GMAX suspension (that my order from them had to be specially ordered from Mountney (which was a lie));
Did they order them in or not?

As for lessons from this? - Caveat emptor - used today as meaning 'sold as seen', but actually translates as 'Let the buyer beware' and it is so true. Know exactly what you're buying, exactly what it should do and exactly who you're buying it from, before you order anything.

Is it fair that you have to become the world's greatest expert on washing machines, computers and other trivia before buying anything? No, but it does save an awful lot of aggravation and you can also always ask the advice of someone who is the expert on that product, if you don't fancy reading up on it yourself.
Did I speak to Alan from PumaBuild in February (bearing in mind that their fancy website would lead you to assume that they do loads of aftermarket items for Pumas and they know their stuff) - so Yes, I did speak to Alan from PumaBuild prior to buying the suspension to ask his advice and Yes, he did recommend them.

But when they went wrong he couldn't wait to slag them off and deny everything.

Did PumaBuild order them in? No, Mountney had never heard of my name, nor did my address pop up prior to me contacting Mountney. As Mountney said, if PumaBuild had no stock of GMax, then they would have ordered a set from Mountney and Mountney would have sent them directly from their factory to me,

So now what - consumer rights, small claims court ?
AshLaw said:
[post]357522[/post] So now what - consumer rights, small claims court ?
If you want to pursue this further, and that is a judgement call, then I would suggest - Just to clarify, the term 'illegal' refers to both criminal and civil law. In other words, these civil law Consumer Acts are not 'advisories', but legal requirements, thus to not adhere to/break them is to be acting illegally.

Incidentally, there is one 'grey area' that concerns me slightly and it is this -

I have never felt so scared in the my life - on the motorway the front end of the car was bouncing around like a ping pong ball and on the twisty A road the car felt genuinely unsafe.

I took the car straight back to my mechanic and he checked the suspension but could not find anything noticeably wrong
The bouncing suggests broken/failed spring/shocks/suspension components, etc on at least one corner and just manually bouncing (or trying to) would/should have confirmed that. Therefore, I'm slightly surprised that your mechanic didn't find anything when they did that.
The actual fault with the suspension did not show itself straight away. Once the car was finished (the first time) - I took it up the motorway and down the A road and the above was the result.

When I took it back to the mechanic he checked the whole car over and found nothing broken / no failed springs / only that the suspension seemed bouncier.

Both PumaBuild and Mountney were not forthcoming at that time as to what it should feel like (this was only admitted by Mountney when I was about to report the fault).

When the suspension went back to Mountney, they found that one of the front struts was leaking (this was not even noticable when the struts were removed from the car and boxed up to be sent back to them).
Spoke to Citizens Advice / Consumer Help Line - they were very helpful.

Turns out it is PumaBuild that needs to pay as it was PumaBuild that sold me a product that is not fit for purpose. All Mountney did was test their suspension and report on it. I mean Mountney did supply me a new set of suspension FREE OF CHARGE (before they even tested the old suspension) as a gesture of goodwill.

So I'm off to write a letter. :grin:

Sent a recorded delivery letter to PumaBuild. You can imagine how that went down; safe to say that Alan from PumaBuild rang up my mechanic and threatened to "take him down" if it went to court and emailed me telling me "to bring it on" with regards to taking him to court over compensation of £480.

Small claims court here I come!

The original suspension came from PumaBuild. Pumabuild were sent letters, threatened with being sued, sued via small claims court and have not paid a cent (in fact they just went quiet thinking it would all go away).

The NEW suspension (as supplied by Mountney), fitted correctly by the same mechanic - has now failed. The fronts have risen up and there is no play whatsoever in the front suspension (either up or down). In fact the tyres are now being used as suspension.

GMax suspension has a 3 year warranty - hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah - ********!!!

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