Hard Wax vs Soft Wax


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New member
Jul 8, 2011
Hello all.

Can anyone with some detailing knowledge tell me the difference between the two? and which is better?

I believe a lot is marketing hype but I seem to remember that soft waxes commonly do not have the durability of 'hard' waxes however may reveal better results in the immediate period after application and for this reason used for for show competitions. Which is better depends a lot on the colour of the paint you're applying it too, light shades including silver and white I would not use a wax at all but a polymer sealant.
Ah, interesting. Soft wax for show day and hard wax for the rest of the year then? What do you use on your car? I've seen it look really glossy in some pictures
SOFT WAXES - a softer textured wax but the difference texture is far less noticeable in panel pots and only really seen when 'spread' on a panel (oilier and spreads further)

HARD WAXES - a firmer texture (not rock hard like the original waxes we made, as these dried out over time) that spreads a little less on a panel but can be more economical to use because it is difficult to overload on the pad

Durability will technically be very similar but due to the hard waxes being difficult to overapply, they tend to be spread thinner and get better curing when used by many users. This gives a false perception that they last longer, when in reality a soft wax could last just as long if it has spread and cured perfectly.
alexwilliams840 said:
Ah, interesting. Soft wax for show day and hard wax for the rest of the year then? What do you use on your car? I've seen it look really glossy in some pictures

Then I was in my detailing hay day my LSP of choice would be Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger, anything between 8-20 layers, too give it an even 'wetter' look I would splice in 5/6 layers of Optimum Car Wax Spray between sealant layers, but as any experienced detailer would tell you 95% of the final look is in the prep, so a through clay and machine polish with a great base polish is a must! God looking back I so got bitten by the bug!