HCV query


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New member
Jul 31, 2010
So i replaced the perennial issue of the HCV after the plastic connectors cracked leaking the coolant all over the drive. However, I noticed when installing the new, non-OEM HCV that the electrical connector has a very poor fit into the new valve.

Now, when the car is up to temp nothing but hot air comes out of the vents. Lovely cold air con works for a few mins but then soon heats up, even when turned coldest, once the coolant has reached optimum temp.

Temp gauge is normal so thermostat should be fine - do these issues sound like possible non-OEM HCV part faults?

It's not a massive deal for now as i usually prefer having the window open in warmer weather anyway, but on hot days, even with all vents closed, hot air still comes from the smallest vents on-top of either side of the dash.

Might a multi-meter test reveal any issues?

thanks in advance
When I was having HCV problems, like you, I was getting warm air flow through the car even with the vents closed.
A suggestion I have is, on the heater control panel, there is the re-circulation button. Push that and it should stop the air blowing through as you drive. Not a sloution to your problem, but hopefully it should stop you sweating you rear end off!

As for the possible bad connection, I would (but probably disagreed with by ther members) very slightly bend the metals pins on the connector, one upwards and one downwards. This should make the connection better.

I'm sure someone else will be along at some point to better advise you....
I would start with fitting a Ford HCV. There are plenty of posts on here stating the problems when using non-OEM .
Hmm - thanks for that, never even thought of using the re-circ button!

I'll have a look at the connection over the weekend, it must be the connection unless the HCV was duff out of the pack (saying that it was one of the cheapest on eBay at about £16+ £3 postage) - guess that'll teach me.
I have also just fitted a new hcv from eBay and agree the fit of the electrical connector is very poor. Fitted the metal clip as per oem but expecting it to drop off at some point. My question on this now it's fitted I do have both hot and cold, but it seems a very slow transition to hot from cold and vice versa. Is this normal or another symptom of using a cheap non oem part?
Depends what you mean by very slow. You have to remember that it has to warm up a cold heating system before it's at it's hottest and, vice versa, cool down a hot system fully before it's at it's coolest. Neither is instant unless you use your aircon to cool and even then it'll take a short while. :eek:k: