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New member
Feb 8, 2011
Hiya, I've had my Silver 1999 Puma for a year, love it. Just found out about this forum so thought id drop by and say 'hi!'. The only thing I don't like about my Puma is I feel every little bump I drive over, so not a smooth ride. Not had too many major problems, altho I did spend £250 replacing a hose for my Power Steering Fluid which leaked out all over the place and I have to take the idol valve out and clean it (as best I can, it's sealed!) every now and again. I had the same problem (the idol valve) with my Ford KA except you could take it apart and give it a good clean out but you can't on my Puma. :( Still, love my car, just washed her today and she's looking lush! Oh yeah, has anyone got viper stripes down the bonnet on there Puma and has a photo I can look at?

Hello! Welcome to the site!

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lol no.. I was gonna try it myself in photoshop.. not sure whether it would just look a bit crap tho. Not had anything done on it yet.. Got to fix both my really badly rusted wheel arches first! :|