Insurance Renewal!! :D


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New member
Oct 16, 2007
Ok lets start with the facts:

Age: 23
Car: Racing Puma
NCB: 6 years
Licence held: 6 years
No accidents
With Virgin Insurance for 3 years
Previous amount for insurance: £575

I got my insurance renewal through today, which I was quite excited about as I love seeing it go down X amount each year as my No Claims is increasing.

Eagerly flicked through to find the piece of paper with the new amount on it..................

Got there!

£633!!??!?!?!?! WTF!


Straight on the phone to Virgin to see why it had increased by £50+! (With the surplus amount and the amount that it should have gone down must be over £100) Their answer............. There must have been several claims in your area!!!!! Why the hell does it matter if other people are claiming on their insurance which could be an accident miles away but they just happen to live close by affect MY renewal amount?! I can't even find anything cheaper....... Insurance is such a joke .... Whats the point in having a no claims bonus if it just increases the amount..

Seriously annoyed about this one. :cry:
Generally, have found that unless you change company (ie: someone else vying for your business) your policy never goes down. Ever.

Have you tried Adrian FLux & Sky, they should be able to get you a decent quote with a discount for being a member on here.

It does suck though that through no fault of your own, you're getting penalised and your premium is going up. :(
I am 25 and mine was £1000/yr for just a 1.1 engine!! :(

Direct Line have given me a quote of £509 which isn't bad I guess :) .... Was still hoping to get in the 400s this year though.. Looks like its bye bye Virgin though..
yippeekiay said:
I'm 42 and can't get mine under 400!!!

You're shitting me....??

For real? Mine was just around the £300 mark via Swiftcover (fully Comp), and because of my years over seas am building up NCB again, so only 3 years of that.
I would have thought £575 was reasonable, but yeh I see what you mean about it going up (insurance makes no sense does it!)

FYI, I'm 20, 2 years NCB, MR2 2.0, £860 fully comp. Apart frm this quote, the next cheapest was double that, and then £2k+, so keep looking around is all I can say!
Yeesh that sucks. Virgin were the cheapest for me, most places wouldn't insure me for the Puma!

21, 2 years license held 2 years NCB and Virgin are taking about £700 a year from me.

Thats for a standard 1.7 Puma. My 1.8 Focus with more>than was £500.
expatscot said:
yippeekiay said:
I'm 42 and can't get mine under 400!!!

You're shitting me....??

For real? Mine was just around the £300 mark via Swiftcover (fully Comp), and because of my years over seas am building up NCB again, so only 3 years of that.

Seriously, I don't know if I've upset all the insurance, but they seem to want a fortune for the Puma. I have the max 9 years NCB - actually should have about 15 but they only go to a max 9.

I crashed my motorbike last February and even though I still have my NCB they still load a bucketload of cash onto my premium.

What pee's me off is as I've said before - I can get a £35k Monaro with a thumping big 6.2 litre engine on a group 20 for £900!!! they work these things out is beyond me!!
43 next week NCB 7 yrs and mine goes up every year and I can't get Puma below £400 either.

@Expatscot, what is your excess? mine is £250

By the way tried Sky and Adrian Flux and have to say they were higher than my existing and I thought that was bad enough.

Adrian Flux was particularly bad, they gave me a quote which was good, then when I rang back to accept he hadn't included the extra's I asked for so that was a total waste of time.
janeoxo said:
43 next week NCB 7 yrs and mine goes up every year and I can't get Puma below £400 either.

@Expatscot, what is your excess? mine is £250

Havent the faintest idea.... would have to look it up. Not sure if I raised it or not, it's possible I did as I am fairly sure I wont have an 'at fault' accident so not really concerned at paying it out.
Are high premiums due to the fact PUMA now ceased being manufactured, more chances of a write off etc.

Just a thought – Try swiftcover – on line saved me half the price- how ever not on a puma, but on a newer car worth more and a convertible.
I think you're right P7TNY, it's got to be something to do with the fact its a Puma, as my previous car was newer and was cheaper to insure.
If there was one company that gave the best prices for all people / locations / cars, there would only be one insurance company wouldn't there?

Best to shop about :eek:k:
Dal said:
If there was one company that gave the best prices for all people / locations / cars, there would only be one insurance company wouldn't there?

Best to shop about :eek:k:

Believe me Dal I did, and I couldn't get it below £400
It won't go down if you have 4+ years NCB normally as they give the max discount at that point, so it will only go up with inflation.

I am so glad I am a girl, always works in ones favour wrt insurance :D