LED Indicator Bulbs


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New member
Mar 15, 2010
Evenin' all,

Just been looking on good ol' eBay at the different sorts of LED bulbs available, specifically indicator bulbs.

Found 3 different sorts (listed below) & I'm just curious if anyone has used the more expensive set and if they really are worth the difference?

£32 for a pair - 13 LED's (Multi-direction LED's) -CLICK

£17 for a pair - 24 LED's (Single direction LED's) - CLICK

£9 a pair - 24 LED's (Single direction LED's) - CLICK

In theory the top set would give better light spread and be more visable to people approaching you from an angle?
I did for a week in the rear, then change back to normal bulbs. You will need to cut and swap the wires, as they are back to front for LEDs
i still got mine in marcus
wow these have come down in price, they were £20 when i looked at them but i used a trade card and got them for £7 but £5 and mine are still as good as when i got them nothing wrong with these:

http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_542555_langId_-1_categoryId_165688" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;