New Millie in Bedford.


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Sep 8, 2013
Hi, I brought my first puma about 4 months ago after wanting to own one since they were first launched, I have settled with a Millennium and its a project for my collection, I also own a classic mini which I take to shows. My daily drive is my good lady's mini which is also BRIGHT YELLOW!!
so its fast being a family car colour, ( Classic Mini is red with Union Jack roof and interior with no intention to spray yellow BTW) I saw millie on gumtree and gave the guy a call with an offer, went down to London to take a look and drove her back and have been smiling ever since,
Where I live near Bedford we have a huge local car scene which includes all makes and classic, custom and hotrods possibly also because santa pod is on our doorstep,
I run my own pub and we host lots of car and bike meets over the summer as well,

I have found the forum very helpful as my puma is full of niggles but she's the seventh Ford i've owned so getting used to them, LOL,

Hope to chat and hopefully meet some of you at some stage. :grin:
Glad you've found our little corner of the internet useful :eek:k:

Welcome from just up the A428 in St Neots
Hi fellow newbie :lol: I haven't been here long and already have loads of info I needed, couldn't have come to a better forum IMO. :D
Hiya I only live in elstow, in the process of getting mine up to scratch
Welcome along, best place i've found for anything Puma, and the people aint to bad either :p lol :eek:k: :eek:k:
Hey all,
Thank you for all of your welcome posts,
I was surprised to see how many of you are local in the beds and bucks areas which is great,
Over the spring and summer months we have a car and bike meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month. numbers vary depending on what else is on and its all very informal looking at each other vehicles and info sharing etc, and arranging any car shows to attend via group/club stand tickets to make it better value for money for people,
Next one and possibly last of the year is Wednesday 2nd October from 7-730pm at the Polhill Arms Renhold, Bedfordshire, if any one wants to come along let me know as we would put on some chips for you all and get you a drink on us as would be great to meet some other Puma owners,
Again thanks for the welcome to your group,