New owner Puma "Black"


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New member
Oct 5, 2013
Hello everybody just wanted to introduce myself, on Sunday I collected my Puma although I'm new to this site this is actually my 4th Puma now!! My Puma ownership started back in 1999 when at the age of 25 I took delivery of a brand new Melina Blue V registration 1.7 Puma with LUX pack, I also took the opportunity (or rather the salesman earning commission did) to have the rear windows tinted and a dealer fit spoiler added on delivery. Anyway forward nearly 15 years (wow, where has the time gone?...) I have this weekend just collected a 1 owner 2000/X Puma Black with 58,000 miles in great, but not perfect condition. Only a small (visable!) rust bubble on rear arch. First job will be to get the cam belt done as the previous owner doesn't think it has ever been done (frightening!). I then intend to get a clay kit and strip back the paint and give the car a thorough clean and then polish. The alloys are in good condition with virtually new tyres and the leather interior is excellent, no wear on drivers bolster. In the last few years along the way I have had a couple of other Pumas, both were black ones, one of which was the limited edition black like this one but it spectacularly failed its MOT to rust so had to go and the other was a stop gap for a while. Interestingly I still see both of these cars on the road around Oxford (long live the Puma!). Anyway enough rambling, my new addition is a keeper and I am going to spend what I need to keep her in tip top condition. Will add some pics when I take some and look forward to keeping in touch with other Puma owners and no doubt for some advice! Cheers, Mark in Oxford.
Welcome along to Project P.
After a damn good clean the Black really does come up nice and shiny :lol:
Thanks for your welcome comments folks. Not done anything with my car yet apart from drive it home (worried about the original cam belt!), however tonight got home early so have just started her up and straight away she fired up after being sat for just over a week. Interior is in excellent condition and has never been smoked in, just looked in the ashtray for the first time! Will get the belt sorted out once I get paid this month and can then start enjoying my new purchase :cool: