Parcel Shelf Fix


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Oct 3, 2007
Parcel Shelf Fixes

Guide Overview:

This guide will hopefully help you stop the parcel shelf from constantly falling into the boot. It's normally a combination of the hinge / hinge location wearing and the strings not staying on the hatch pins. Sometimes the hinge comes away from the parcel shelf too.

Hinge pin modification

Difficulty: 1/5

Time: 30 mins - 1 hour

Required Tools:
  • Hot air gun / Hairdryer
  • Scissors
Required Parts:
  • Heat shrink sleeving (*see bottom of article)
  • Grommets x 2 (*see bottom of article)

Rather than constantly wrapping electrical tape around the hinge pins, I’ve found that applying heat shrink sleeving is a more permanent fix as it “sets” to a much harder finish than tape ensuring it lasts a lot longer.

1. Remove Parcel Shelf from car. Work on one side at a time.


2. Apply heat to the 2 plastic hinge sections on the parcel shelf to slightly soften the hinge and allow removal of the metal pin.


3. With the pin out, cut a length of heat shrink to cover the rubber cylinder.


4. Using a hot air gun / hairdryer shrink to fit uniformly around the rubber. (thus increasing its diameter)


5. Insert the metal pin back through the plastic hinge whilst inserting a smaller length of slightly smaller heat shrink to the metal pin between the two hinge parts.
(If you haven't been fast enough with steps 3 and 4, the hinge may have cooled and the pin may be difficult to re-insert. Simply re-heat the hinge and insert the metal hinge.)



6. With the hinge in position, gently heat the central heat shrink to ensure the pin never comes out again.
(The plastic hinges will contract round the metal hinge again as it cools down securing it, but this is just to be sure)


7. Repeat for the other side of the parcel shelf.

8. Wait for the hinge / heat shrink to become cool.

9. Returning to the car – re-fit the hinge back into the hinge location slots. It should be a much firmer push you need now whilst it still pivots.

Before pushing in:


Pushed in:


10. Refit the strings to the hatch pins.


11. Push a grommet over to stop the strings falling off.



Mines lasted over a year now with no signs of wear happy

Hinge to parcel shelf fixing modification
If your plastic hinge has come away from the parcel shelf, then the best way to fix it back is to bolt or rivet it back into position. Using any adhesive will only be a temporary fix due to the vibration and contact surfaces involved (carpet / plastic)

Difficulty: 2/5

Time: 30 mins - 1 hour

Required Tools:

* Drill
* Suitable drill size for Rivet / bolt

Required Parts:

* Rivets or Bolt & nuts

1. Drill through the hinge either side of the mounding to ensure a flat surface using the drill and an appropriately sized drill bit.

2. Place on Parcel shelf and mark the position.

3. Carefully drill the parcel shelf (It's thicker than you think!)

4. Place hinge back on shelf and Rivet / screw as required.



Job Done

Any questions / comments are more than welcome.
Just noticed this fault, it;s always the right clip that loses grip and collapses, hardly terrible but still....
Just completed the "Hinge to parcel shelf fixing modification"!
My parcel shelf is now a lot less flappy :eek:k:
I tried doing this and I found that the 'heat shrink' from Wickes was rubbish! It did not seem to go soft or shrink when heat was applied, it just kinda went stiff.
Do you have any more of the stuff you used left over so I know it'd work? I'd give you a couple of quid for it if it's no longer needed!
Send me a PM mate and I'll see what I can do ;)
Thanks, I got it today - much apreciated. Iv'e just been workin on it and it does seem more secure. I just hope it holds. It's difficult to get the shrink to actually melt flush to the cylinder, it still slides. The pins do stay in though, it's just the pins are'nt fat enough at the ends in my case.

I wish heat shrink actually melted onto the surface. I'll see how my parcel shelf holds up.

Thanks for your help and advice!

It should literally shrink tight around it. Maybe your hair dryer doesn't have enough Wattage :D
I did this fix on Monday, and it works beautifully.

Just a note on grommet sizes. I originally bought some from Maplin with a 3mm internal diameter. I couldn't get them on for the life of me and if i had managed to get them over, they would have been a nightmare to get back off again.

I then bought some with a 5mm internal diameter, again from Maplin, and these fit like a dream!! Its a nice tight fit, but they can easily be removed should you need to remove the parcel shelf in the future.
Ahhhhh wish i could Fix ma shelf, The actual black plastic strip that runs around the boot door has come off, the hinges have snapped i think. I've just tied the parcel self to the rod. Means i have to lift the shelf up but its beter than not having one atall. :p
ours falls down at the back, them rubber stoppers are rubbish but il be sorting it out tomorrow, new rocker gasket, bit of paint depending on weather, fix the shelf, waxoil underneath and a good clean inside and out! buisy day tomorrow ready for sunday ;) well if i can get a stand pass that is lol
Got my 98 Puma last week, and have just finished fixing the parcel shelf.

Works a treat, great advice.

Thanks for this!!!! I actually used two spare rubber covers I got with some phones I bought for my Ipod this week and they work a real treat! The strings stay where they are now and I've not had any trouble with the parcel shelf hinges. Thanks for the inspiration for this!
Hi. This is my first post and I hope someone can help me. The problem I have is with the pins that fit into the car itself. Mine just fell out a few weeks back and I havent been able to find them. I hav bought some more but would just like to know if there are any specific instructions on fitting them. Do i just push them in to place? They feel a touch loose when I do and I don't want them falling out again.
Many thanks guys. Ps great website :)
Not 100% but don't they have a pin through the centre of them. This has to be sticking out when you put them in then you push the central pin in and it splays out the internals to grip onto the holes, pretty much like a rawl plug.

I could be wrong but I'm sure I've seen the string holders with a pin in them.

EDIT:- Yes I's a topic on them which Rick (YOG) explains clearer than I" onclick=";return false;
martinblueprint said:
Thanks, I got it today - much apreciated. Iv'e just been workin on it and it does seem more secure. I just hope it holds. It's difficult to get the shrink to actually melt flush to the cylinder, it still slides. The pins do stay in though, it's just the pins are'nt fat enough at the ends in my case.

I wish heat shrink actually melted onto the surface. I'll see how my parcel shelf holds up.

Thanks for your help and advice!


thats the same as mine, the pins arent falling off, its the ends that slip out? i dont know what to doooo, any help boys?? x
you cant buy the pins that the strings hook to anymore for the puma....however a similar aged fiesta has the same parts....

fed up of mine falling out tho so i have binned them and used a round head self tapping stainless screw in each side....painted the heads matt black... havent tightened fully so the strings can be twisted off, heads are a bit bigger so much more secure than before....