Puma stolen 27/06


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New member
May 9, 2012
Car stolen overnight from Rochdale North west. Please keep an eye out. And post on other sites
:( I'd be gutted if someone nicked my Puma. Hope she turns up safe and well.
Sorry to hear this I have the occassional hoon over that way bury- old betts Rochdale so will keep an eye out

Hope it turns up intact
dont they have to be twocked with the keys hope you find them break there fucking legs and slice there achilles heel so they cant every nick it again :( :(
a mate once caught a lad trying to nick his harley, he grabbed the tw@ and got his mates to pin him down and used the lads nuts as a ramp!! Should do the same thing to all thieving ba*ds!
I'd always be suspicious of a car you've just bought being stolen shortly after, the previous owner or middle man/trader has every opportunity to get a key copied (or just keep one of the originals) and gets your address to fill in the V5C so they know where it's going to be parked after you take it home :-(
I had the same thoughts,used to be a day when you didnt have to tell the seller where you lived. It gives those who have sold you a ringer or an accident damaged car or a cut and shut the chance to get a free run from any comebacks.
If you have 2 keys coded to the vehicle, you can use the coding erasure sequence to make all other keys coded to the car unusable.
There nothing like that gone on as they broke into the house and taken the keys (along with 2 laptops, mobile and a PS3)
This really might not be appropriate and please say if its not and i'll delete this straight away.... but in the most light hearted sense.... At least the chose the best car as a getaway car.... nimble, speedy and sexy.......
lol flying scotsman thats the funniest thing i have heard in a one time... hope the OP sees the funny side of it
if you do catch them give them a slap from me! hope you get her back
regards shane
Flying Scotsman said:
This really might not be appropriate and please say if its not and i'll delete this straight away.... but in the most light hearted sense.... At least the chose the best car as a getaway car.... nimble, speedy and sexy.......

LOL PMSL :grin: :grin: :grin:
hopefully you get her back... and catch the thieving bas. give him a glasgow kiss from me :)
Flying Scotsman said:
This really might not be appropriate and please say if its not and i'll delete this straight away.... but in the most light hearted sense.... At least the chose the best car as a getaway car.... nimble, speedy and sexy.......

Like that mate, very funny