Steering wheel retrim,what colour?


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New member
Mar 11, 2011
Thinking of getting my steering wheel trimmed in a different colour possible a black or grey with red stitching or blue with red and gear gaitor to match.
What's people's opinions?
Also I know it might devalue it but thinking some mk2 focus rs seats or the same recaro seat out of something else?
Just thinking it would be nice black with red stitching,same with the gaitor and even if I kept the seats,it should still look good.
I dont think it will look right with the blue car, blue calipers, blue seats, and red stitching. Obviusly its your car, but i dont think it will fit in an FRP. You can always buy a fiesta steering wheel and have a play with that, then if you dont like it, swap back to your FRP wheel. Gay yes...but pink???
Probably will just have standard,I do like the German cars black with red stitch,the only reason I thought blue was because of the blue seat with red racing stitching,could even do black with blue stitching,ill probably just have it standard tho.
Wow each,ill stay away then,I know it's not hard to make corsa ones fit,but I do like the sparcos,standard it is then.
Being done at Dave hadens in walsall wood,if I ever get time to drop it off.
How much does it cost for a retrim, assuming your already had some alcantara?