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I like the idea of one, but it needs to be something suitably geeky, rather than the standard issue squaddie Tribal tattoo that everyone seems ton have (no offence to anyone with one!)" onclick=";return false;
None and no intention of getting any.

But I do have a brainless niece who still wears the initials of her recently split-up-from boyfriend on one hip, and a lesbian friend who attempted to get "You're in my heart, You're in my soul" tattooed down one arm but suffered two major spelling / apostrophe failures at the parlour so will now demonstrate her illiteracy for life.
XIIVVX said:
None and no intention of getting any.

But I do have a brainless niece who still wears the initials of her recently split-up-from boyfriend on one hip, and a lesbian friend who attempted to get "You're in my heart, You're in my soul" tattooed down one arm but suffered two major spelling / apostrophe failures at the parlour so will now demonstrate her illiteracy for life.

Im the same, it seems the shady world of the tattoo industry has become mainstream over the last 15 years especially with celebrity endorsement and the re-branding as "body art", very clever. Its wierd how they are now seen as conformist where once upon a time they were the opposite. Generally the sheep in society follow trends like this, although Im not trying to belittle anyone its just the way it is.
The issue I have is the permanent nature of them, with removal costing up to three times as much and scarring inevitable it puts me off them.
Self expression within a peer group is ok but regret does come to some later in life. If they looked into easily degradable techniques using matierials that can be removed effectively if desired then I would consider one. The artwork on some is fantastic and my opinion of someone with a tattoo is no different to anyone else whereras 20 years ago it would have been different.

Some may see it as a form of self harm considering some of the chemicals used in tattoos are rather unsavoury. However its about individual choice and location, fair play to anyone who makes the right choice and sympathy to those that regret it.
Cool pics !!!!!
Love it, makes you unique....whether a follower, a setter or just you, whatever - if it makes you happy do it !!
I hate to be the one to point this out, but you are already unique.

Permanently marking your skin doesn't alter that in any way.

But as Melinamotor says, " its about individual choice and location, fair play to anyone who makes the right choice and sympathy to those that regret it"

Agree fully
Just do what you want to do when you want to do it. As you can see it says in one of my tattoos "live for now forget forever" I try and live that way. But i guess different people want different things from life at different times
I would have more but two things stand in my way:
1. My wife is not keen on me having too many.
2. Even though I get family rates from my sister in law the cost these days is far too much. The guy I used to go to charges about £130 per hour.
It is true though that once you've had one you will want more, far too addictive.....
I have the chance to get a chest piece done based on this picture.

She wants to add to her portfolio and needs more tattoos like this. The design will be her own original take on the picture. I only post this to see if anyone has any artistic flare that could help me with the overall design.
I know tattoos are like Marmite and not everyone loves them but I do :)