Temp Gauge fluctuation ?


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New member
Apr 27, 2013
My 1.7 2001 Puma has been fine till the last week. My temp gauge seems to fluctuate, (I know, its supposed to before any bright spark comments) not how they normally do. It gets to the middle, then shoots up to red, really quick. Then after a while will shoot back to normal just as quick (too quick i think for just the thermostat (i may be wrong). Then within seconds it will be up again and (might sound daft) i go round a corner and it will go back down. Its hard to explain.....its like the fuel gauge...up hill goes down a bit, down hill up, going straight gauge is up, go round a corner a bit quick and it will go down. The petrol gauge and temp gauge are totally different things and i just cant think wots wrong???? No other symptoms. Not losing water...got a slight oil leak. The cam belts not long been done and i just discovered my air con works.
any ideas please???
might be a faulty sender. possebly a faulty dash. start whit the sender, it's the cheepest :)
Up date today and yesterday.... Yesterday fine no probs even in the hot weather. Today raining. Temp gauge off the scale couldn't get it down till I put the heater on hot full blast. Then stayed normal????!!!!