The boro - the smog


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New member
Nov 15, 2007
Newcastle upon Tyne
Was parked up in Teesside for two days last week, seen a few Puma’s. I was parked in car park just off corporation road, near McDonalds’ I think. If you seen me I was the silver Puma lost in town centre in the bus lanes…!
2.70 to park all day is a bargain is 2.70 per hour in Newcastle

Witnessed a bad crash on the a19 :( , seems ma have been caused by the high winds
was it a black one u seen? might have been my car its always out an about in the boro, hartlepool that kinda general area
I seen a black 53 plate in the same car park, a blue S reg in private parking behind the car park.

I actulaly seen a black on just outside Mcdonalds about 9am on the friday !!!
Tony whereabouts are ya? Im sure ive asked you before but i cant remember!!

Im in Hartlepool and always see loads of pumas but they always look miserable - no waves/flases etc!!
I reside in Wallsend, just 3 miles North of Newcastle, when posting orhinal post I had been training in Boro for 2 days.

I was in Boro Monday of last week, induction and meeting regards my new role !!!!!! :eek: :eek:
53 plate? Didnt think you could get one that late? Unless it was registered very late.