The worst looking car currently on sale?


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Both the Prius and the Cactus are pretty bad but at least they look like they have been designed by one person each, the Skoda Roomster on the other hand looks like each part was 'designed' by a different person!
Door lines, roof lines, wheel size, nothing fits or looks right :grin:

I can see the Cactus looks better with colour co-ordination in YOG's post. But I don't think that rubber will age too well... I can imagine seeing them in 10 years time on some council estate, all brittle and half bitten off by dogs. It just seems a silly gimmick with no thought for longevity.

My Qashqai has a very small rubber strip just at the very edge of the door for this purpose which seems more sensible. It has saved me from accidentally dinging the Puma a couple of times.
PhilLew said:
[post]351674[/post] Both the Prius and the Cactus are pretty bad but at least they look like they have been designed by one person each, the Skoda Roomster on the other hand looks like each part was 'designed' by a different person!
Door lines, roof lines, wheel size, nothing fits or looks right :grin:


I've always thought the Roomster looks almost purpose designed as an ice cream van.
Same here. Can't beat a bit of quirkiness every now and again.
Fanwheel said:
[post]350727[/post] My vote goes to the Citroen Cactus. It's a pool car at my work. And not a popular one. What is all the rubber about? Never really got my head around it

Yep, without doubt, this is the worst. I saw one of these yesterday in a car park in the purple colour that someone mentioned above.

I don't normally notice other cars, but this one really stands out as being pig ugly. The rubber/plastic bits, and there's a lot of it, were all that mid grey faded shade that we all try to restore back to black around our window frames. Very odd look overall as well, looked like a car with 'special needs' that needed protecting in case it fell over or something.

Quite bizarre.
What it is is a car that allows people to be lazy and crap at driving. Instead of actually taking care of your car you can just swan about without any regard because it doesn't matter if you touch another car. But i'd still have some calm words ( :roll: ) with said idiot if they caught my car in one of those, because it still damages the other car. It's daft and just coerces you to drive badly. And I hate it, and it's a Citroen so it's worse than cholera, and anyone who drives one needs to re-evaluate their life choices.
The inside is even worse! -

There's also an odd optical illusion about the exterior of it. Looking at the pics, what's the real percentage of dark plastic/rubber on it? 25 - 30%? But, in real life it looks nearer 80%+, must be because your eye is drawn to it.

Anyway, as you can probably guess, I'm not a fan :p
Well, we currently have 2 Citroens, as well as the Puma and the Audi S1 Quattro, so we're very happy with our life choices.
If we ever bought a Cactus, it would not be "to be lazy and crap at driving", but to protect the sides of the car from people who are "lazy and crap at driving".
It's not the car that makes the driver "lazy and crap at driving", if the driver is "lazy and crap at driving", they are just that, "lazy and crap at driving", no matter what car they are in. I've seen many Pumas driven by "lazy and crap" drivers.
Let those that have never accidently bumped their door into another car when getting out of their car, speak now!
I hate French cars. Between my brother and I, we have 3 Renault trafics.. they are poor. Then again, they are not an expensive van, but some stuff is just designed backward.
Going back to the Priughhhh that started this thread, I noticed that our CEO had bought one to replace his older Prius. If you think it looks bad in the pictures, then nothing can prepare you for the horror of the thing in the flesh. It really is honking. His is especially bad as it has those naff tiny diameter alloys that make it look like a cheap Matchbox car rip-off.

I did involuntarily shudder when I laid my eyes upon it's fecked-up flanks.
I get a strange feeling when driving behind a BMW i3...No fan of it. For sure I would buy something else with that money.
moondustka said:
[post]352316[/post] I hate French cars. Between my brother and I, we have 3 Renault trafics.. they are poor. Then again, they are not an expensive van, but some stuff is just designed backward.

Yeah Kangoos are really shitty too, 100.000 km and they are ready for junkyard. You get what you pay for, as usual.
YOG said:
alfie74 said:
[post]353093[/post] citroen cactus, horrible looking car
We had a guy on here called "Steplce", who had the same views as you!
You know, I wondered who was going to mention the elephant in the room.
Cack Tosh looks awful and probably drives even worse. I'm amazed at many new cars either look awful or are horrendously uninspiring to drive.
Quasquai is horrible to drive (sorry if anyone has one and loves it) there is just no feedback and feels like every drop off of fun and driver interaction has been carefully extracted. DS5 car built for the ipod generation that have never driven a proper car, every toy and gadget and just nasty to drive, about as inspiring as a 90's 1.6 Nissan Primera.