What are your favourite films and why?


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Staff member
Oct 3, 2007
After having just watched Doctor Zhivago and now put A Clockwork Orange on, I pondered my favourite films and came up with these:

1. Blade Runner - Sci-fi vistas extraordinaire.
2. Empire of the Sun - Christian Bale's break through film. A proper story with excellent acting and feeling.
3. Alien - Sci-Fi mixed with proper tension / horror.
4. Lawrence of Arabia - The acting and scenery speak volumes for David Lean's epic style.
5. A Clockwork Orange - Forget the hype, a superb look at social questions that are still relevant today with the Kubrick touch of brilliance.
6. 2001 - Another Kubrick materpiece.
7. The Thing - John Carpenter does Aliens with snow.
8. Shawshank Redemption - A powerhouse of emotion and acting.
9. Doctor Zhivago - One of MGM's last true epics.
10. The Fifth Element - Style, comedy, action all with a tongue very firmly in cheek.

Others such as Matrix, LOTR, Sin City, Ferris, Underworld, Apocalypse Now, Ice Age, MiB, come and go, but the above list endures.

Maybe my career history starting with the broadcast industry has meant that I'm a sucker for beautiful imagery on film.
Scarface - Because Tony montana is a legend (although a fictional character)

Shawshank redemption - Great film

Rise of the foot soldier - I love gansta films, and this one is better than any of them, even scarface. Plus a true story

Outlaw - Love the idea, beating up nonces and dealers
Katyn - now available in this country - watch it and be stunned
The Russia House - John Le Carre story - I see something new every time I watch the film
Forrest Gump - I can identify with one of the storylines
Films in no particular order, love some, put some on to make me feel happier and some for good entertainment

Shawshank Redemption-- fantastic, very close to the book.
Italian Job, got to be the original one
The Quiet Man
Men in Black 1 & 2
Toy Story 1 & 2
Independance Day
An American Werewolf in London
Terminator 1 & 2
Running Man
Total Recall
The Golden Child
The great escape

I HATE The Outlaw Josey Wales, it's so depressing.
think my fav three are

The Truman Show
Pulp fiction

not sure if i can say why, that involves thinking! lol
God I have looooads!

The Green Mile
The Truman Show
Ace Ventura- When Nature Callls
The Labyrynth - good old 80's film :)
The Never Ending Story
Ice Age!!
Monsters Inc
The Bourne Trilogy - one of the few Ive found where all are good
Lord of the Rings
G.I Jane
The Day after Tomorrow
Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy

I like many different films for different reasons really... The Day after Tomorrow I like because, even though a long shot, it could actually happen..
Jim Carrey - well I love him ace ventura is a classic for me!
and love a good laugh at the cartoons!
Well i have a huge number of favs

All the Bond Movies
The Back to the Future Triolgey
Both Ace Ventures
The Mask
Love Actually
Sliding Doors
Independance Day
The Day After Tomoz
The Transporter Trilogey
The Italian Jobs
The Pink Panthers
The Core

Urm there's loads more that i can't think of :pose2:
Have you seen "Dead Man's Shoes" the line "Your there mate" when he points to the palm of his hand is a classic!!!!!

I like:

Gladiator (just quality)
Interview with a vampire (the story line is good, I like the idea)
Shawshank (Just amazing)
Goonies & Stand By Me (classic - takes you back to your teens !!)
Casino (amazing film, amazing cast).
Goodfellas (excellent story line).
Saving Private Ryan (one film that shows the reality of war in the first 10 minutes, same with the "Band of Brothers Series")
Rocky (God only knows but I can't help watching them).

I've heard "Gran Torino" is amazing with Clint Eastwood, has anyone seen it?

Like Casino which films do you think have the best list of actors/ actresses all in one film?


1.Dracula (1931) was the first Horror/vampire movie. plus the way it was directed is nothing but pure inspiration.

2.Stand by me.

3.Pulp Fiction. ( good bubble gum script )

4.Hellraiser trilogy ( one of the best british horrors of all time )

5.Madmax :-D

6.V for Vendetta

7.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

8.Goonies :D

9.Braveheart ( despite it's seriously unaccurate historic fact, it's still good for a rammy )

10.The good the bad and the ugly.

Those are the top 10 that come straight to mind. there are loads, but it would turn into a horror top ten from me. but am happy with those 10. :-D
zarablackcoupe said:
oooo the goonies! hell yeah!

Braveheart is an awesome film!

If you wanta laugh, Find the cast and do a '' then and now '' search. I wouldn't be suprised if most of them got addicted to crack and died. :p

Dragonheart... loved that film when it first came out made me cry! lol
My Top 5 are:

Equal 1st =

1.The 51st State - Samuel L Jackson at his best set in Liverpool action/comedy made me laugh all the way through and watch over and over

1. Gone In 60 Seconds = I Love Nicolas Cage and this is his second finest role of his entire carrer plenty of lush cars, fast driving, Angelina Jolie is still hot at this time

3. Lord Of War - Another Cage classic makes you think most people dislike this ones cos its slow but thats the whole point of the film

4. Kingpin - one of the finest comedys of ALLLLLLLLLLLLL time simple story excellently acted and billiently funny

5. The Matrix - Love Keanu Love Matrix period haha
In no particular order:-

The Green Mile - good but not as good as the book.
Matrix - Awesome
Grease - Sad I know, must have watched it at least 100 times when I was younger, the last time being about 15 years ago...lol.
Kevin & Perry Go Large - aw come on, why wouldn't you love this film....lol
Shawshank Redemption
Waynes World 1&2
Ice Age 1,2,3
Hot Fuzz
Shaun Of The Dead
No Country For Old Men
Saving Private Ryan
The Dirty Dozen
Flags Of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima (2 films told from the American and Japanese points of view)
Fight Club