6556 members on this forum - petition?


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Petition - good idea or bad idea?

  • Good idea - I'd certainly consider a new Puma if they made one

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • Bad idea - it will never be as good as the original

    Votes: 20 52.6%
  • The Puma is dead, man, get over it

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Please can you stop doing polls, Rob

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Sep 14, 2009
Pumas - some of us have moved on cos the old dears are getting expensive to fix, others are persevering with their 150,000 mile troopers. Some of us have been lucky enough to have found low mileage garaged-all-their-life rust-free miracles.

Whether we currently own, or have owned, or ever since first seeing the Steve McQueen advert wanted to own, a Puma - I think it's fair to say we all love the buggers.

Dal/Cherie - Have you ever thought about emailing all your past and present members to put together a petition to Mr Ford to see whether they might resurrect the small sporty 2+2 coupe 15 years after it was first introduced / 10 years after it finished production? How many people does it take to go, "If you bring back the Puma, and it's anywhere near as good as the original, I will almost certainly buy one" before they'd consider it?

A ten year hiatus and triumphant return worked for... err... Take That? Perhaps I need a better argument than that, but I still don't think there's anything out there which offers the driving thrills, economy (40mpg / group 12 insurance) and sensibly-sized boot of the Puma.
I used to own Ford Capris back in the days when you could still buy them new, I was a member of the clubs etc then (before forums existed :roll: ) and the general consensus of Capri enthusiasts when Ford tried to bring out new large sporting hatch/coupes (Probe/Cougar) was “ It just isn’t a Capri”
I fear that if Ford tried to replicate the Puma recipe to suit existing Puma fans it would fail miserably!
You either have to stick to what you like or change with the times.

I know some Capri guys who still drive them today and have driven nothing else since they were new, and others like myself, who went through a Capri phase but moved on as the technology advanced (and someone discovered coil springs!!).
I also have friends who are into Golfs and the guys who like the early MKI’s and MkII’s would never buy a later one because, despite the name and the advertising, to them it’s just not a Golf!

I have a Puma at the moment because it was bought as cheap winter runabout, do I like it? Yes, was I impressed by the handling? Yes, Would I rush out and buy a new one if it were available? No!

Sure there will always be people who love a particular car so much that some will become cherished collectors cars but every model has it’s day and when it’s gone it’s gone.
Ford always produce some form of sporty RS/ST versions of their cars but should they produce a ‘new’ Puma?......judging by history probably not!

I know this is a Puma forum and I don’t wish to cause anyone any offence, it’s just my opinion.

<lights the blue touch paper and retires to a safe distance> :grin:
There's an interesting article in this weeks Autocar Rob. Ford are focussing on the global market, hence the American developed and engineered Mondeo and Focus. There simply isn't the money for niche products such as the Puma which sold successfully in the UK, but didn't make much of an impact in Europe. I can't see much happening to change that.

Judging by some of the awful designs Ford are churning out at the moment, I wouldn't want Ford to ruin the reputation of this great little car by making some stupid 'kinetic design' Fiesta jobby anyhow.
Fair point - recent Fords have definitely been fugly, can't argue with that. I never got this whole kinetic design "we make our cars look like they're moving, even when they're not" bollocks - how about making them look less shit?
I agree with Neil in that I wouldn't want to see a modern Puma as I have no faith that it would be any good. However I disagree in part about the point that it is too niche a market. The RCZ was released and I have seen a lot of these about so without looking at stats I would say it has been successful which shows there is a market for a similar concept from Ford (not totally the Puma niche but it's close!).
Its obviously possible because many other manufacturers have done it.

Even those which don't entirely stick to the paradigm can succeed - Mini being the best example.

The purists are never converted though. I can't see myself liking something bigger and heavier, as it would be.
Ian G said:
Its obviously possible because many other manufacturers have done it.

Even those which don't entirely stick to the paradigm can succeed - Mini being the best example.

The purists are never converted though. I can't see myself liking something bigger and heavier, as it would be.

Agreed, the 'new' Mini has been a great sucsess but not with the 'old' Mini fans, if there was a new Puma, then old Puma fans are the least likley to like it.
And look what happened when they tried to design a Mini coupe


Now imagine that done to a new shape Fiesta and sold as a Puma! :'( :'( :'(

Would you buy it?

It wouldn't be much like the puma we have, it'd be heavier and it won't look anywhere near as elegant. It'll be ugly toad or trout faced or something :D

They could make a new coupe, but I would rather the puma is left as the puma for a while longer, they could resurrect the Capri maybe. The thing is when there is a puma mk2 it will make the old puma look really dated, even if its uglier :> it feels more special on its own imo :)
judging by the guff that is the new KA....no! i wouldn't trust ford to do a good enough job of it.

although in my eyes the back of the puma is way too high; like a cat presenting its arse! they got it right with the frp in my mind. id save my £15k etc on a new puma and buy an old xk8 (10k plus 5k spare to run it!) or an aston v8 vantage when they've come down a little more (already below 30k!!!)

having said all of that...car designers rehash and re-emerge designs to make the vast majority of people appreciate that there hard earned, mostly lost dosh (as soon as it leaves the showroom) is well spent because the car looks different from the old one and smells new....it takes a little while for the design to settle and be appreciated by true enthusiasts....im thinking of some very nice new mini's and beetles i have seen recently... very, very few cars are 'pretty' from the factory, theres too many people needed to buy them...so like renting or selling a house...it all needs to be 'beige' and new!
tbh the puma doesnt look out of place against any car,it is 1 of the few cars that looks good and keeps its curves,im seriously going to be considering another puma as a 2nd car this year if i stay in the uk,if ford did produce a new model,it just wouldnt have the same appeal or characteristics as the orignal puma that we all love :eek:k:
Zara said:
I personally think the Ka is the only Ford have managed to improve on - certainly looks wise!
Fair point - the original Ka was a munter as well. Reminded me of the now-retired McDonald's character Grimace.

Grimace off of McDonald's:

Ford Ka:
Haha! I hate both Kas too but it's shocking how many people say to me (petrolheads included) that they liked the older one?!
I think the older one is fab. The new one is too tall, narrow and Fiat like :(