Advice - Update pic heavy


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New member
Mar 14, 2012
Hi all going to be giving claying ago at the weekend, after i clay it do i need to clean it again before waxing?

H xxxx
What clay are you getting / have you got?

If you're using a clay and a quick detailing spray for lubrication, you can usually get away with wiping away the quick detailing residue with a microfibre cloth as you go - just evaluate how the paintwork is looking when you're done claying and decide whether you think it needs another rinse or another wash.

If it's a bright day and there's the risk of the shampoo solution drying onto the car I wash, then rinse the shampoo off, then clay, then rinse again, then dry using a micro fibre towel.

If it's not too sunny, to save a step, I wash, clay straight after washing without rinsing, then rinse, then dry with a microfibre towel. Or if I'm in a hurry I just wash, rinse, clay and clean up any residue after each panel with a microfibre cloth.

I'm not sure how effective claying is going to be after that all-in-one waterless cleaning product you use, though, as it's a one step product with filler/sealant/wax/magic/whatever in - so if you clay after using that, it's a waste of product cos the clay will take it all off again.

Ideally you want to get all the dirt off without leaving product on the paintwork. Might be best to revert to the traditional (two) bucket, water, car shampoo and mitt method to get the car clean, ready for claying.
I would - gets all the detailer off that you've lubricated the clay with. Just plain water though, not and bubbles or anything.

You could polish it before a wax to give the paintwork some shine.

(waits for the essay from Rob.. :p )

EDIT: He got there before me quelle surprise..
Thanks Guys, will upload some before and after pics when im done (only if it works well lol)

H xx
Well its my birthday today so was busy only just sorted out pics of my first clay attempt, i think its ok would of liked a bit better.









Took forever lol, but i enjoy it. even did mums car today :)

Thanks for birthday messages xx
Hey - happy birthday for yesterday (just).

This shot's my favourite:

Ahh thanks Rob, working on scratch removal also. Its going well still a bit to work on.

Omg just see my shadow in that one very distorted i am not that shape hahaha
evilrob said:
Haha... hadn't noticed til you pointed that out:


Noo not that one lol, :oops: (um did not spot that one) the one in the picture you like right on the rear on the car.