Anyone rewired MAF plug to make it longer?


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New member
Mar 18, 2012
I want to relocate the maf sensor closer to the tb but I need to splice in cable to make the plug reach. Do you think this will make any difference to the reading from the maf? The additional resistance will be negligible over such a short distance but I don't know how sensitive the ecu is?

Has anyone done this?

Never done it on a Ford but have on a Nissan and it made no difference, the extended wire was well over double the original length.
I only want to add another 100mm so I wouldn't expect it to make anydiffrence, but thought I'd ask before I make the cut!

Make sure you have good, solid connections on the joins. Cover joins in heat shrink then wrap it all up with some insulation tape.
The worst that could come out of this is crappy, high resistance joins!
I extended mine, as long as you dont add any resistance to the wires, it wont make any difference. I moved mine to fit better on a turbo conversion. What i did was cut the plug off a puma from the scrappers with plenty of wire on, and then cut my plug off, and fixed the 2 together so there was only one join instead of 2.
Cheers mate thats a good idea, I think a trip to the scrappies is in order!
I sorted it out without having to cut the wires. A bit fiddly but you can unwrap the loom and separate the four wires. It now reaches from the top mount to the MAF sensor easily!
I assume by the nature of this topic, members have been moving their MAF sensors....

So, where can we actually move them to between the air filter and throttle body? Is next to the throttle body too close?

My setup now looks like this:

I prefer the straight run into the flowed throttle body.
