Back in a Puma… been a while! Creaking steering. Need advice!


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Active member
Oct 9, 2011
So I picked myself up a T Reg 1.7 Puma in Red this time. Only had it a week or so and noticed that the steering is creaking quite a lot, drop links are a bit split, but I believe these make a knocking sound? Also, my driver side front driveshaft Gaiter has a split. But I’m thinking the ball joints are most likely to be at fault? Sounds like a pirate ship steering lol. Likely to be lower arms? Tia
In my case it's an MX5 but the problem is similar to yours,mine has been creaking especially turning the steering wheel to the left moreso than to the right,also getting a slight vibration so I had it checked out,turns out the bushes are shot in the steering rack so I've ordered a new steering rack ( my MX5 is 11 years old,25th anniversary) not saying you need a new rack but you might,hope this helps...

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