"Buy Aaron some pants" fund - his house has burned down :(


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I'm totally shocked. Thank you very much everyone!

It's been a hard 2 days and even tho most of the stuff the insurance will sort there is still many things which are unable to claim for.

Lottie and myself have raided Primark this morning and now have a range of clothes.

I'm not very good with words, but thank you for all your thoughts and it's nice to know people care about Lottie and myself.
Bentleya said:
Lottie and myself have raided Primark this morning and now have a range of clothes.
Well you've had another hundred quid come in so you can get down to Marks and Spencer and pick up some proper pants now.

I like a nice modal blend boxer brief, myself.
Thank you, Alex (Fatttty) - your donation has come through a-ok. :thumbs:
Thank you to Barry (tuonokid), and Pat (Midnight Blue) for your contributions - received and forwarded. :cool:

We're up to £405.38. :shock:
Just paid in - hope you can get a decent set of Y fronts fella.

Awful news - can't imagine what it must be like now :-(
We're well on the way to hitting £500 - if we do, he said he'll post a photo of himself showing off his new pants, by way of thanks*. (We'll let Lottie off seeing as she's a lady).

* just between you and me, he hasn't said this at all but I reckon he'll cave to peer pressure
From Lottie:
Lottie said:
Hahahaha but I got a matching set and everything... I can't wait to see Aaron's reaction to this!!

Thank you everyone, you're all so kind! You guys are the best kind of family, we truly do love you all. The support we have received from everyone has been amazing. At this time we feel very much lost and not in control of anything, to know we have you all behind us helps a great deal, thank you for helping us to move forward and start again. Words just don't say enough... We just love you all <3
Thank you David T, BenF and Philly - I got your contributions.

Total now £479.84. :cool:

Aaron - better get those tighty whities and cameraphone ready! :lol:
Dal and Cherie, being the kind souls that they are, have chipped in enough to just nudge it over £500.

Your move, Aaron. :-D
spike. said:
I'm happy if if hes wearing trousers over his new pants to be honest!
I reckon we can accept pants over trousers as a compromise. :-D
Apparently people really want to see the pants! £205 has come in since I jokingly suggested it. :lol: Total now £709.84. :shock:
If it hits £1000, we'll expect a mankini.... on both of them!
