Disconnecting the battery


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Active member
Oct 21, 2007
Once again my Kat is going to be standing for another two months from Wednesday as I'm off on det again. Last time I didn't disconnect the battery, and as a result there was barely enough juice in it to operate the central locking. I want to disconnect the battery this time so I don't have to go through all the faff of trying to get it started when I'm back. Would doing this bugger up any immobiliser settings or anything? I know it affects the stereo, but as I've got the code for it, that isn't an issue.

Cheers in advance!
You should be fine leaving the battery disconnected...

... the battery will still discharge though even if not connected. There are some smart charge type products that keep it charged up which might be of interest.
or get a couple of the solar panels; there dirt cheap on ebay!!!! i say a couple cos if your battery is a bit tired.... & it is winter....

iv done the same to my gf's car - battery is getting old so i got a meaty solar panel (bout 4 times more powerfull than the typical car trickle chargers) & we put it on for a few hours here & there & keeps the battery fresh...

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