Grumbles, moans and rants


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Complete that is.

Went into garage and flipped bonnet catch to remove the trickle connection.

Started car to get it warmed up and opened the garage door.

My son text me to pick him up 'fast' as after 3 cancellations the weather was finally good enough for his flying lesson.

This was enough for me to forget to unplug the trickle and I drove out the garage and only realised when I heard a snap of the cable after the trickle charger got trapped and couldn't pull itself through the door from the utility room :lol:

What a plonker!!!
Can't believe no one has had a grumble since my last post (previous post) over a month ago :lol:

Anyway...have to start calling this Yip's Grumble Thread as I have another one that I had to rant about as I'm working on it as we speak (yes, I like working late :lol: ) and I needed to vent....

I hate shoddy work!!!

Back into CAD as I got a call for help a few weeks back with a big contract - we're talking mahoosive o/all although my remit only covers around 3-4 million - and have been going through the drawings that have been done so far to familiarise myself and I have to say in dismay that the accuracy of some of the drawings I am trying to work with so far are a joke.

How can you fail to set out to a designed measurement while working on CAD, all you have to do is type the bloody lengths etc in yet all I'm finding is incorrect ones every bloody where....GRRRR :crazy:

That's it...I'm happy for my vent. Back in a month as it may take me that long to sort out the mistakes and my OCD just won't let it lie :roll: :lol:
Why am I mesmerized by the back-lighting on the mileometer dimming slightly when I touch the brakes? Everything checks out ok and after a lot of experimenting it's only the mileometer..........

I must have better things to do.
What a waste of a day off! Just sitting here waiting to hear if car dead. Can't get on as I can't stop thinking about it...
Somehow I missed the information about your car :-(

Is someone looking at it now?
Yes, trying to see where the leak is (zero compression in 4th cylinder). They said 'this morning' so I'm going slowly mad here waiting to find out.
Hmm let me see I cant decide if sending parcels for the courier to smash or if loads of watchers on ebay watching several items cant manage to make a bid is tweaking me spleen the most :evil:

I mean FFS an item with a start price of £12 with TEN FRACKING WATCHERS arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Trying to work out why I should have a landline to my house when all I get is PPI, Solar panels, ambulance chasers and free house insulation (which I got off the council 4 years ago), oh not forgetting the ambulance chasers who are trying to claim for my last accident which was my next door neighbour reversed into my car and knacked the rear bumper. I was in bed at that time! FFS I'm getting to the stage where I'll swear down the landline and it will be my Mother!
The only reason I have a landline is for my broadband, haven't had a phone plugged into it for over a year now
and don't knock the free cavity wall insulation - I thought it was too good to be true and said no last year but this year a neighbour had it and on the basis of their experience I went for it, and it does make a big difference!
The inside of all my windows are covered in ice this morning and, as I have no heaters, I can't defrost it!