Hallelujah....Yip's New Car! (Detailing Pics Added 23.11.11)


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Up North i.e. 100+ Miles Above Manchester!!!
Thank god, no more searching. Finally got myself a new car.

Spotted one this afternoon, just got back from viewing, crossed the t's and dotted the I's and it's all paid for. Was gonna drive it home but my mate wasn't covered to drive mine so the guy is delivering it for me free tomorrow......woohoo.

To say I'm relieved and over the moon is such an understatement. Don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight!!!

Details and pics to follow of what I think is a bloody cracking car. :happee:
Cheers Rich :eek:k:

Sod the intrigue, can't keep it to myself......here it is. Excuse the cheesy grin...I'm happy....lol.


Will get some better pics of it once it arrives as this one doesn't do it justice ;)
OOh nice, congrats mate, proper mean machine you got there ;D
Cheers tekz, have to say it certainly suprised me on the test drive how quiet, smooth and constant the power was which just increased more and more the higher I got up the rev range.

Gonna give it a VERY long run out tomorrow when it arrives. Better prepare my wallet for a serious beating at the petrol pumps.....lol.
Yip- I'm normally home from work at about 1700- 1735

If you fancy swinging buy on your 'long' drive ha
yippeekiay said:
Cheers Rich :eek:k:

Sod the intrigue, can't keep it to myself......here it is. Excuse the cheesy grin...I'm happy....lol.


Will get some better pics of it once it arrives as this one doesn't do it justice ;)

Glad you found a car finally which ticked all your boxes hope you have years full of trouble free motoring in your wankel :lol:

Ps What is Alan Tracy from thunderbirds doing in your car ?

Congrats Yip, I love it!!! I've always liked RX8's, whenever we get one in at work I tell myself I would happily own one :D

Well done, you got there in the end :eek:k:
Cheers Guys/gals :eek:k:

Pity you weren't closer to me Amanda as it needs a full valet/detailing from what I saw last night (the garage owner was using it daily while it was for sale it seems). He said he'd try and get someone to look at it etc before it gets delivered today but that was before the money was handed over.
We have a branches in Sheffield and Manchester but i cant get you any discount up there lol
No problem but thanks for trying ;)

Shame as his usual detailer is in bloody France - or so he says.... :|

Anyway, insurance sorted for both cars so the Puma is staying for the near future. Sky insurance has done me a decent deal which I took as I can't be arsed ringing around all day, although the RX8 was slightly higher than a better quote elsewhere they have mirrored my NCB onto the Puma so I don't have to start at zero for it. Overall price has come well under a grand for fully comp on both which I'm happy with although it means the Puma has to have the nitrous kit removed ......Nooooooooooooooo..... lol.

I'm off to pick up the Rex after a cuppa as I can't wait any longer, doing it this way means it'll have a full tank of gas for me to quickly deplete on my way home....lol.
ooops....AF operator didn't seem best pleased when I just told them I wasn't renewing with them.

Well I said, you were circa £500 more expensive than the quote I got for both cars so sorry!!!...... :|

Nitrous on the Puma ain't worth an extra £500 overall no matter how good it is ;)
Their loss at the end of the day Yip they should have been abit more competitive when they gave you their quote!
The Puma's great without nitrous aswell ;)

Nice cars... mechanic friend of mine had one for a while. Was a fun car but could fairly drink the fuel... how is your one on consumption?