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New member
Aug 11, 2011
SW London
It's nice to be here.
I've just run screaming from the Puma People site a) because it's v fiddly to navigate and b) because they used an unauthorised photo of me that I didn't upload (wtf?)
Aaaanyway - just bought 2000 Pacific green 1.7i Puma, lovely condition - a few rust spots in the usual places, fsh, tyres a bit worn and someone's stuck a stupid looking fat tailpipe/backbox on all wonky, otherwise great !
I was worried that the cambelt might need changing as its done 120k so I phoned a service station found on an old service doct from 2008 and they confirmed that it had (at 82k) - yayyy!
Anyway, I'm totally new to this type of car having just scrapped my beloved but rather sluggish Merc 190e.
Just topped it up with Castrol Magnatec 5/30, skimmed off the rust from the rear wheel arches/front and rear of doors, slapped some Kurust on, a bit of filler and re-sprayed with paint from a Ford dealership, it's well on the way to looking pristine :)
Any advice/comments ?
Welcome along :eek:k:

Unfortunately the Kurust route will never get rid of the old tin worm completely : I redid mine that way for years each summer! :lol: Makes it look better though for next to no pennies. Is pacific green easy to blend/match?
Welcome to the site :D

The picture thing might have been because you can integrate your account on that site with social networking so maybe that's what had happened? In any case nice to have you here.
Thanks for the replies and kind welcomings !
Dal, I know the bubbles are likely to return - I was wondering if it would be an easy job to get up inside the wheel arches, scrub the lipped edges with a wire brush and fill them too. That would have to cure the problem as it would block the route of the water surely (?)
Red, that idea was suggested to me by a friend who builds websites - I don't remember ticking any boxes to allow connection to Facebook (maybe it's a default setting with the PP site).
Mustardmit said:
Dal, I know the bubbles are likely to return - I was wondering if it would be an easy job to get up inside the wheel arches, scrub the lipped edges with a wire brush and fill them too.

I can't see why not and is worth a try as it's a much cheaper option. Depending on how thorough you are removing any rust and how good the stuff you use for future prevention is it may work well. I can't see why not myself. It's fairly easy to get at the arch inners so no problems I can see there.
Welcome, this is by far the best puma site, people have really helped me with a good few things since I joined.

Ultimately only one solution for the rust, cut it out, but it depends how much you want to invest in the car.

Welcome along!
Got agree with Blue3 about the arches, you need to completely cut out any trace of rust and replace with fresh metal. Anything less will result in it returning with alarming speed. Again, depends on what you are prepared to invest and how fussy you are really.
I'm not so sure to be honest. I treated my bubbling arch last August and it stopped getting any worse for one full year now which is a bloody miracle....lol.

That was with NO prep at all, just splashed the Bilt Hamber all over the rusty bits inside the arch and didn't even put a protective top coat on. I have to admit I totally expected rust to come through fairly soon after which is why I just threw it on as a temporary measure/test and am pretty sure that had I used any other product it would have by now.

If mine do start rusting outwardly - I expect it to sooner or later - then I'm going to do a decent prep/cleaning job before treating it again. If it's lasted a full year as I've done it then I'd expect it to last a few years when done good and proppa and if I still have the car then, I certainly won't be throwing £200+ per side as that'd be worth more than the car at that time ;)
jboy01 said:
Welcome to the club any pictures? :thumbs:


Nb. wonkily put on daft looking tailpipe/back box (its days are numbered!)