How Many Left?


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Cheers for posting, Tux - I hadn't seen this before. Very interesting to know I own one of potentially only 1700-odd Thunders left on the road!
evilrob said:
Cheers for posting, Tux - I hadn't seen this before. Very interesting to know I own one of potentially only 1700-odd Thunders left on the road!

Only one Talbot Tagora GLS left, mine was a complete shed back in the early 90s I can see why there are bugger all left :grin:" onclick=";return false;

It does make interesting reading!
I suspect its because like me, people don't have the time/inclination to research every previous post on the forums to see if its been posted before. And as per the post above, not everybody has seen it.
My apologies for making a re-post.
Don't worry, Tux - I'm sure your post made me happier than it made slallian sad, so in the grand scheme of the universe - you're OK!
Thanks Rob. It was an innocent "mistake." I saw it, thought it was interesting and thought I'd share it.
Anyhoo, its dead now, so lets all move on. :grin:
i for one am glad you posted it - i have one of the 1700 Thunders left and plan on telling anyone who will listen, failing that, the wife
Tis the beauty of Forums, people ask the same question over and over or divulge the same information over and over.

Doesn't bother me as I like being told I've given the wrong advice....over and Only kiddin ;)

Because some topics come up repeatedly it serves to embed into the brain the actual correct diagnosis, which means, it can't be a bad thing for all those that read them.....over and over.

Education/knowledge has no value, it's priceless!! :eek:k: