I can't open my bonnet


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New member
Oct 17, 2012
Silly question i know but im young and a girl

I can't open my bonnet and my water light has come on.. anyone know how to open it does it push up or go to the side?
there's a red flap under the steering wheel, pull it

Middle of the grill at the front of the car, just under the bonnet there's a yellow flap, move that to one side...lift bonnet
Yeah i know how to pop it its just i cant actually open. maybe im too little and just dont have the strength!

Aha - will attempt this when i get home from work and will let you know how i get on, i have tried pushing it to one side yet, i thought that it was a a pull up kind of jobby. Thanks :)
I've tried pulling it straight up but that doesn't seem to work, others seem to say to slide it to one side?
Haha im not that weak - Its just getting it to uncatch if you see what i mean? or am i confusing you?

Thats what im having the problem with x
Your bonnet might be stuck ! Mine was sticking. You need another person to just lift it till you can get to the catch while the lever is pulled.
Oh i see, Well i'll try again when i get home and if not i will enlist some helpers to see if i can get this sorted.

Thanks for your help guys :)