Margaret Thatcher dies following a stroke


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warrenpenalver said:
Problem is people slagging her off now are either:

Or belong to the Ben Elton school of feeling you have to be left-wing to be 'cool'

Adopting a mock estuary accent helps also.
#8 now - frankly, I'm embarrassed to be a citizen of the UK:

I'm inclined to agree with you.

I had the same creepy, uncomfortable feeling watching that stupid 17 year-old child who has been appointed to a PCC and then had embarrassing tweets exposed, blubbing on TV the other night.

But I think Baroness Thatcher would probably have laughed at that record chart.
it wasn't just breaking the strangehold the unions had over the country that she should be remembered for - she also led us to reclaiming the Falklands
Welsh history is steeped in coal and mining, it is passed from generation to generation.

"We are sitting on all that coal in the South Wales valleys.
"Margaret Thatcher will never be forgotten in the valleys for the devastation she caused in the years she reigned.
"We will never get over it — in 100 years' time people will still know the legacy because parents and grandparents will tell children." onclick=";return false;
ryuu said:
Welsh history is steeped in coal and mining, it is passed from generation to generation.


As were the injuries and deaths. 16,599 between 1950 and 2,000. (UK-wide, not just Wales)

Now I know the great mining tragedies provide a rich seam (see what I did there?) of folk lore and song. But is dying for a family/village tradition really such a great thing?

Seems to me the faster we got out of deep pit mining the fewer grieving relatives are likely to have to mourn.
XIIVVX said:
I had the same creepy, uncomfortable feeling watching that stupid 17 year-old child who has been appointed to a PCC and then had embarrassing tweets exposed, blubbing on TV the other night.

She's gone now:" onclick=";return false;
The daft thing is the unions carrying on as they did would have bankrupted the nation,

the mines would have closed anyway

inefficiently run public utilities would have been sold anyway

as would the council housing stock

Just slowly over the last 30 years meaning people wouldnt have whinged as they wouldnt have noticed it other than a gradual decline in the UK

Also we'd be ruined now.

Most of the regeneration projects for former heavy industry towns only happened because of the total economic collapse in those areas.

Had it been gradual, the money would have been drip fed in and used less efficiently.

just look at the places with industry that survived a while, they mostly got complacent relying on what they had left while those industries slowly died too meaning they wernt forced to reinvent themselves so little investment, little busines replacement etc. Several places are proof of that - stoke being a perfect example - now the potteries are gone, this city has nothing apart from a few call centres and distribution warehouses and the rot is well and truley seated here.

Delaying the inevitable is always a bad idea.

gingerdave said:
If it wasn't for Maggie all those miners with the help of Arthur would be earning £200 k / year for a 10 hour week :)
for a year or two maybe, then the country would have gone bust along with the NCB and we'd all have been screwed lol.
£8 million & rising funeral !!
Flower shops rubbing there hands with glee.... :evil:
As much as I disliked her I can't help thinking that she wouldn't have let this country's current immigration problems happen
certainly this country still has many many problems, and more debt, even with or without her!

I;d say her best action was defending the Falklands :)
The trouble is that so many myths have grown up around her.

That she 'destroyed UK manufacturing industry, that sinking the Belgrano was illegal because of the direction it was pointing, that she once said "There is no such thing as society." (Please note the full stop there)

To be a successful 'alternative' comedian it helps to be left wing, so it became 'right on' to knock her, as vitriolically as possible (an assumed estuary accent helps, however middle-class your parents). Half the people you see whining today weren't even born when she was in power.

The truism, there is one guaranteed route to failure, and that is trying to please everybody, applies here. She was bound to get this flak, I am not sure it would bother her much.
You are right she wouldnt give a damn.

She genuinely believed in doing what she thought was right for the country regardless of her popularity and even if it cost her a political career.

Isnt that what we want in a good leader?? prepared to make self sacrifice.

In the military, such selfless action regardless of popularity is the norm. An officer is there to lead, not be your mate.